Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Own State for the Catalan Countries


Why this campaign comes about:
The initiative to "Let's join the map for an Own State" campaign has been created in the Catalan blogsphere, responding to the widespread need to find out which is the real popular support to achieve an Own State for the Catalan Countries.
Lately there has been talk about the percentages of pro Independence people; the theme has always been considered by sectors at least in a territorial point of view.In 2006, Marc Belzunces in his blog "De l'Holocè estant" analyzed the different statistics of ICPS (Social and Politics Science Institute) on the Catalan fact in Catalonia (considering only the Autonomous Community of Catalonia). Based on these data, Belzunces revealed that about 40% was in favor of Independence, while 45% was against it, and15% was undecided. In a quick but interesting evaluation made recently in the same blog, the 40% of voters in a hypothetic referendum for Independence, with an 80% of participation the number of de facto pro Independence would be close to 2 million.
On Saturday, February 27 2007, Xavier Vendrell (ex-Counselor of the Interior of the "Generalitat del Principat de Catalunya") brought up again this matter in an article in the Avui newspaper titled "Una majoría per la independencia(1)" (A majority for Independence (1)).Vendrell estimate in 3 million the number of persons required to win the referendum for the Independence of Catalonia. He calculated a much lower number of pro Independence (1.4 million) than Marc Belzunces did, as (Vendrell) counted as pro Independence only the voters of CiU and Esquerra (the only two nacionalists parties in Catalonia), when it is very clear that there are a lot more pro Independence.
"Let's join the map for an Own State" is an extension of the campaign started in September 2006 by Xavier Mir which brought the theme "Jo també vull un Estat Propi" ("I also want our own State for the Catalan Countries") to the Catalan blogsphere in a big way.
Among other things, that campaign in the Catalan blogsphere helped to prove that there is an enormous capacity to maneuver on internet. With the intention to go further, the "Xarxa de Blocaires Sobiranistes" ("Pro Sovereignty Bloggers Network") was created. Today the XBS assembles more than 300 bloggers.But from the Catalan blog world was necessary to go beyond that area and gather all the persons who want a State for the Catalan People, whether they have blogs or not.
That's why Alexis Vizcaino started the "Let's join the map for an Own State" campaign in his blog "El Senyor de les Muntanyes" ("The Lord of the Mountains") with the initial support of Toni Hermoso, Josep María Comajuncosas and Marc Belzunces. Shortly after, and to make it easy to navigate the Internet and to better visualize the data, the campaign jumped from the Alexis Vizcaino blog to the www.estatpropi.cat web site.
"Let's join the map for an Own State" aside from being a totally fresh and creative campaign, has the main advantage that it does NOT coincide with any special interests of any specific organization, but that can be embraced by people of all the political spectrum.Even though the campaign seeks only persons to join the map, all organizations--political, cultural, sport, …-- have the doors open to cooperate in a more or less direct way in the development of the campaign.The final result will show us, in a very graphic way, which is the minimum number of persons who will vote favorably in the referendum that has to give us our Freedom.
Suma't tu també al mapa per un Estat Propi!

1 comment:

nickedinburgh said...

You won't like this! But you may be interested to read how visitors experience it...


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