Saturday, September 01, 2007

"la prise de consciénce qui s'est experimenté au sein du peuple catalan pour ce qui concerne ces droits nationaux d'avoir un État propre.

Fotografie du Èric Bertran "Éric Bertran avait 14 ans quand l'État espagnol lui est tombé

Le monde doit savoir!

A partir du blog de Xavier Mir sur Vilaweb, sur lequel se développe une campagne
"Jo també vull un estat propi" qui a formé un lieu pour le Réseau des Blocs Souverainistes et sur le web, nous arrive une nouvelle proposition (en langue catalane et soutitré en anglais).

Il s'agit de visioner massivement un documentaire sur le cas d'Èric Bertran réalisé par Xevi Mató,
sous-titré en anglais par Heather Hayes et disponible sur YouTube.
Mir propose que la semaine du 27 août aul 2 de septembre se développe l'initiative sur les blogs e
en envoyant des notes de presses ou courriers aux moyens de communication. À partir du 3 de
septembre et jusqu'au 9, il sagit de visioner autant de fois qu'il se peut le documentaire sur le
cas d'Éric Bertran de telle manière qu'il puisse être mis sur le ranking et entrer dans le circuit des
vidéos les plus vues. De cette manière, avec les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la
communication, nous attendons une diffusion extérieure internationale du cas d'Éric Bertran, du
deficit démocratique de l'État espagnol et de la prise de consciénce qui s'est experimenté au sein du
peuple catalan pour ce qui concerne ces droits nationaux d'avoir un État propre.
Le documentaire est installé sur YouTube en cinq parties. La vidéo devra être visionnée
massivement (par tous les publics - Éric Bertran avait 14 ans quand l'État espagnol lui est tombé
dessus), surtout la première partie:

(À la droite de la vidéo vous y trouverez los autres quatres fragments du documentaire)

Nous avons besoin de savoir que sur ce cas il y a une pièce de théatre Èric i l'Exèrcit del Fènix, de
Víctor Alexandre dirigée par Pere Planella, qui au mois de septembre debutera à Valls et à Calella
sa " gira pels Països Catalans" Tournée des pays Catalans, mais qui peut être aussi une pièce
acceuillie en Bretagne, Alsace, Flandres, Réunion, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyane, Nouvelle-
Calédonie, Polynésie, Savoie, Corse, Pays-Basque, et surtout Occitània .

Vous pouvez suivre en langue catalane la suite des propositions sur le blog de :

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"Èric and the Army of the Phoenix" documents the odyssey of 14-year-old Èric Bertran, unfairly accused of terrorism. Èric has since been popularly dub

Documentary on the case of Èric Bertran online in English PDF Imprimir e-mail
dimecres, 15 agost de 2007
[ Nota de premsa en català / Press release in Catalan ]

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixCoinciding with the opening of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the world-wide Internet debut of Èric and the Army of the Phoenix (Èric i l'Exèrcit del Fènix). Subtitled in English, "Èric and the Army of the Phoenix" documents the odyssey of 14-year-old Èric Bertran, unfairly accused of terrorism. Èric has since been popularly dubbed the "Catalan Harry Potter".

Èric and the Army of the Phoenix documents the truth and the personal consequences -and the politics at play- in the case of Èric Bertran, a boy from Lloret de Mar, a town some 75 km north of Barcelona (Catalonia). When he e-mailed a grocery chain to demand they label their products in Catalan, the language of Catalonia, 14-year-old Èric and his family were subjected to the midnight invasion of their home by thirty police officers bearing a search warrant from the Spanish government. The accusation: terrorism. A big fan of the "Harry Potter" series, Èric created a website that he called Army of the Phoenix, inspired by the famous J.K. Rowling stories, signing his e-mails with the name from his website. Even though they knew full well that the website belonged to a 14-year-old, from that point on, the Spanish authorities insisted on accusing Èric of being a member of an army of terrorists. His family has since taken legal action against the government of Spain for moral and psychological harassment of a minor, taking their case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg and to the United Nations' International Court of Justice.

Èric Bertran and his brother Àdam tell their story in this documentary by Xevi Mató, with English subtitles by Heather Hayes. The film features statements by author Víctor Alexandre, who supervised the book about the case. Alexandre himself has also written an entertaining and controversial play about the incident, which débuted in Barcelona in 2007. Also featured in the film are contributions by Member of Parliament Joan Puig, who defended Èric before the Spanish assembly, and by Èric's attorney Emili Colmenero, who explains how the Spanish justice system connected a child to an Al Qaeda cell.

U.S. press enquiries:
Emily Moore, tel. (865) 254-5244

"Freedom for Catalonia" Spanish authorities have prosecuted a child for terrorism! Incredible but true!


Spanish authorities have prosecuted a child for terrorism! Incredible but true!

14-year-old Èric Bertran e-mailed companies requesting labeling in Catalan
language, using the "Phoenix" monicker from the Harry Potter books. The Spanish
police accused him of organizing an Al Qaeda cell. The authorities took him all
the way to the Spanish High Court.

From August 27 to September 2, we're getting the word out, through blogs, press
releases, and other media. Here's the idea: We want this film about the Èric
Bertran case to be seen as many times as possible from September 3rd to 9th, so
that it ends up ranking in the "most watched" circuit.

Through this coordinated effort, with the help of new communications and
information technologies, we hope to get some international coverage of this
case, and the true deficit of democracy in the Spanish State, as well as the
fact that the Catalan people are now demanding their right to define themselves
as a sovereign nation.

The documentary has been uploaded to YouTube in five parts. Here's the link to
the first part of the video, for the purposes of the mass viewing:


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Scotland the next state in Europe ! ! !


First Minister

Banff & Buchan MP, Gordon MSP and First Minister of the Scottish Parliament - Alex Salmond - on a historic week in politics

My commitment to Scotland

On May 16th, the Scottish Parliament elected me as their nominee for First Minister of Scotland.

That followed the election of May 3rd, when the SNP became the first political party since 1955 to beat the Labour Party in an election in Scotland.
Following my election, it was my privilege to address the Parliament as follows:
"Presiding Officer,
This Parliament – created by the People of Scotland in a referendum - is bigger than any of its members, or any one Party.

I believe that Scotland is ready for change and for reform. This is a small nation with a big future; but it is also a small nation with big challenges. It was said the other day that Scotland is a divided nation. Given the closeness of the election result, I can understand that in some ways. However, it is not the case.
Certainly, the gap between rich and poor is too great. We need to grow faster. We need to heal the scars of the past. We need to be greener. We need to be still smarter. But we are not divided. We have a sense of ourselves; a sense of community and, above all, a sense of the 'common weal' of Scotland.

In some ways, we're not even a divided Parliament. Of course, in this part of the chamber we seek independence and equality for Scotland – not everyone agrees. But there is a broad consensus on the need for this Parliament to assume greater responsibility for the governance of Scotland.

There is an understanding that we are engaged in a process of self government – and an awareness of the distance we have already travelled. In 1961, Bashir Ahmad came to Glasgow to drive buses. In 1961, the very idea of a Scots Asian sitting in a Scots Parliament was doubly unimaginable.

But Bashir is here, and we are here, and that part of the community of Scotland is woven into the very tartan of our parliament. And we are stronger
– so much stronger – as a result. We are diverse – not divided.

The nature and composition of this third Scottish parliament makes it imperative that this government will rely on the strength of its argument in Parliament – and not the argument of the parliamentary strength.

Despite all the challenges we will face together, I welcome that as a chance to develop a new and fundamentally more reflective model of democracy.

The days since the 3rd have been understandably dominated by questions over the structure of government – will there be a coalition, or will we have a minority government?

Let me say to Parliament that what matters more to the people we represent is less the structure of the government and more what we – all of us – achieve on the people's behalf.

Presiding Officer, all of us in this Parliament have a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a way which respects the Parliament the people have chosen to elect.
That will take patience, maturity and leadership on all sides of the chamber. My pledge to Parliament today is that any Scottish Government led by me will respect and include this Parliament in the governance of Scotland over the next four years.
In this century, there are limits to what governments can achieve. But one thing any government I lead will never lack is ambition for Scotland.

Today, I commit myself to the Leadership, wholly and exclusively in the Scottish national interest. We will appeal for support, policy by policy, across this chamber.

That is the Parliament the People of Scotland have elected – and that is the Government I will be proud to lead."

'Let me say to Parliament that what matters more to the people we represent is less the structure of the government and more what we – all of us – achieve on the people's behalf'

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