Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Columbus was a Catalan and history must be revised
Columbus was a Catalan and history must be revised
Revise the official History written by Spain
1. Spread the word that Columbus was a Catalan
2. The appropiation of such an important Catalan discovery by Spain leads to a necessary revision.
3. History and literature books of the XVIth Century are under suspicion
Arts & Culture - Humanities and Historical Societies
Xavier Mir Oliveras
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Cicle de conferències "Cristòfor Colom fou català"
« Cristòfor Colom fou català »
Cicle de Conferències
Dies 20, 22, 29 de Gener i 5 de Febrer 2009
Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona
C/. Arcs , 5 BARCELONA
Dia 20 de Gener 2009
a 2/ 4 de 8 h ( 7:30 h)
Cristòfor Colom: Informació general,… (more)
Posted by Xavier Mir Oliveras (Creator)
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Friday, December 26, 2008
Catalan secessionist cause for an Own State
Causa independentista catalana per un estat propi (Catalan secessionist cause for an Own State)
Assolir una majoria social per la independència dels Països Catalans (to be a social majority for the independence of the Catalan Countries)
See Extended Info
1. Ser independentista català (be in favor of the independence of the Catalan Countries)
2. Difondre la causa independentista catalana (Spread the Catalan secessionist cause)
3. Convèncer persones perquè s'uneixin a la causa independentista catalana (Convince people to join the Catalan secessionist cause)
4. Sumar-se al mapa (join the map
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