Saturday, February 28, 2009


Quindici motivi per cui i catalani non vogliamo essere spagnoli

1) Perché la Spagna ci impedisce decidere il nostro futuro politico.

2) Perché la Spagna è allergica a tutto quello che riguarda la nostra lingua e la nostra cultura.

3) Perché il 10% del PIL catalano rimane a Madrid e distrugge la nostra economia.

4) Perché ancora sono vigenti un sacco di leggi repressore, del regime fascista di Franco.

5) Perché la Catalogna non può partecipare in competizioni sportive internazionali.

6) Perché la Spagna non ascolta l’ONU e non rispetta il diritto dei popoli all’autodeterminazione.

7) Perché molti assassinati accaduti durante la guerra civile spagnola e durante il regime fascista di Franco non sono stati mai investigati.

8) Perché i tribunali spagnoli distruggono le leggi catalane.

9) Perché ci sono molti simboli franchisti e fascisti nelle strade.

10) Perché i catalani siamo obiettivo di scherno e di spoliazione.

11) Perché la Spagna non si è scusata mai per la fucilazione del nostro Presidente Lluís Companys (1940).

12) Perché i catalani vogliamo partecipare alla costruzione di Europa.

13) Perché vogliamo condividere la nostra lingua con tutti gli europei.

14) Perché vogliamo la nostra identità propria, in quanto Stato, in Europa.

15) Vogliamo avere la Francia e la Spagna come vicine amiche.

Tutto ciò deve capirlo Europa, “vogliamo diventare uno Stato europeo”.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10,000 Catalans to March on Brussels

Monday, February 16, 2009
10,000 Catalans to March on Brussels

Once you've been on the St David's Day parade in the capital, you may wish to go another parade - this time in Brussels

DeumilI've just been alerted to a massive campaign in the Catalan Countries to march on the European Capital on 7 March to demand the right of the Catalan nation to chose their own constitutional future. The organisers are aiming for 10,000 persons to travel from Catalonia to Brussels for the march... and seem to be on target!

At the moment, the Spanish constitution has made it illegal to hold a referendum on succession from the Spanish state. So, although this right is part of the Good Friday Agreement in the UK and one supposes were Wales or Scotland to wish so, then we could also hold a referendum to leave the UK. This basic right doesn't exist in Spain. This illogical decision is one reason for the continued violence in the Basque Country.

If the Spanish constitution gave the historic nations which make up the Spanish state (nations which precede that state) the right to a democratic vote, then any legitimacy which ETA claims to have would have been taken from beneath their feet. It would then be the job of ETA's supporters to make a peaceful case as to why the Basque country should gain independence.

Unfortunately, the Spanish Cortes voted down the Basque premiere Ibarretxe's bill on the right to a vote on 'free association'. Making Ibarrexte a nationalist of WAJ-PNV party (the SDLP-type party) look stupid, and give credibility to the ETA supporters who say Spain will never democratically allow the Basques the right to chose.

Fortunately, there is no ETA-type militant wing in Catalonia. However, the Spanish elite are stalling many agreed principles in the New Statute which the Catalans campaigned and won a few years ago.

It's a basic questions. What moral right does the Spanish state, which was formed in 1492, have to deny nations which precede that state, the right to independence? It's a right which the west didn't recognise for the USSR, the Habsburg Empire, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Ireland nor countless other nations. Should we only recognise those states which existed in 1492?

Why not take a Draig Goch flag and take a trip to Brussels in support of our Catalan friends?

Visca Catalunya - Cymru am Byth!

Posted by Nicholas Michael Morgan


Deu Mil a Brussel•les per l’Autodeterminació said...

From Catalonia, thank you so much for your support.
Alone there is a small mistake:
The Catalonian Countries (Catalonia, Valencia, Majorca, Perpinyà) they were an independent kingdom along with Aragon (region border between Castile and Catalonia) that were inside the Hispanic empire. This empire was made also with other kingdoms as Portugal, Holland and Belgium , and also all the colonies of America and Philippines.

Catalonian Countries loss the Independency as a Kingdom because of "War of the Spanish Succession". This was a war fought in 1701-1714, in which several European powers combined to stop a possible unification of the Kingdoms of Spain and France under a single Bourbon monarch, upsetting the European balance of power. It was fought mostly in Europe, but it included Queen Anne's War in North America.

After this war the new Spanish monarch Felipe V or Philip V , was to revoke the Catalonian constitution, to prohibit the catalan language and to impose for the force the Spanish as official idiom. Therefore the Catalonian Countries was not form part of Spain from 1492, only less than 300 years we are by force from Spain.

For more information on the demonstration for 10.000 catalan to Brussels in english, there is this web:

Thank you so much for all

Sunday, February 22, 2009

15 reasons why the Catalans can no longer form part of Spain

15 reasons why the Catalans can no longer form part of Spain

1. Because Spain prevents the Catalans from deciding our political future.

2. Because official Spain is allergic to the Catalan language and culture.

3. Because 10% of Catalan GDP creamed by Spain devastates our economy.

4. Because repressive sentences ruled by Franco are still in force.

5. Because Catalonia is prevented from participating in international sport.

6. Because Spain systematically ignores U.N. calls against Franco impunity.

7. Because the mass graves of Franco’s victims are still uninvestigated.

8. Because Spanish courts systematically overule Catalan laws.

9. Because many Spanish streets are still named after Nazis and Fascists.

10. Because Catalans are a constant target of prejudice and abuse.

11. Because Spain never apologized for executing our President in 1940.

12. Because the Catalans want to contribute to the future of Europe.

13. Because the Catalans want to share our language with all Europeans.

14. Because the Catalans need a constituency for their own EUMPs.

15. Because the Catalans want France and Spain as amiable neighbours

No European can fail to understand this

For more information:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Declaration of Independence. A Global History. David Armitage (per Josep Sort)

""When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."


Els antagonistes de les independències inculquen la por als Pobles. BIC 1367

smolins9 | esborrar | divendres, 20 de febrer de 2009 | 02:38h
Date: 20 de febrer de 2009 0:56:48 GMT+01:00

Subject: [josepsort] 2/19/2009 11:38:00 PM


Acaba d'acomplir-se el primer aniversari de la Independència de Kosova. Quins records! Quina emoció! I com ho vam viure, des de la distància. Aquest bloc se'n va fer ressò abastament, com es pot comprovar si consulteu la secció d'Arxius.

Un cop aconseguida la Independència, Kosova pràctic
ament va desaparèixer de les primeres planes de la premsa, dels telenotícies i de les ràdio. Al llarg dels darrers 12 mesos, com aquell qui diu, no se n'ha parlat més, tret potser, i només de rebot, arran la guerra entre Rússia i Geòrgia.

I no vol dir que els problemes s'hagin resolt. Per exemple,
la regió de Mitrovica continua a mans dels serbis, de facto. Però el cert és que, aconseguida la Independència, la comunitat internacional va passar pàgina i es va ocupar d'altres temes.

Què vol dir això, que en el fons, l'accessió a la independència d'una nació, per regla general, no és cap mena de daltabaix per a la resta de la societat. Un cop aconseguida, la resta dels estats diuen al nou "Benvingut al club" i avall que fa baixada.

Penso que és interessant, aquesta reflexió. Molts antagonistes de les independències, s'escarrassen per convertir-les en fets apocalíptics, l'adveniment de les quals provocaria una terrabastall i que tot s'enfonsaria.

Naturalment, aquest dramatisme no és gens casual. Es tracta, literalment, d'aterrir els ciutadans, fer-los agafar por, perquè si les independències fossin considerades processos plenament regulats i normalitzats, Ecspanya durava menys que un xupa-xups a la sortida d'un col.legi.

I parlant d'Ecspanya, continuen ells amb la seva negativa a reconèixer Kosova. No té cap mena d'importància. A hores d'ara Ecspanya està a un pas de convertir-se en un estat pària dins la Unió Europea, sobretot pels seus depriments indicadors socioeconòmics, però també perquè és una font constant de problemes. Que sigui un estat-pària, és la millor notícia que ens poden donar...

Per acabar, només fer-vos saber que, gràcies a la Cynthia, ja tinc un llibre que feia molt de temps que esperava. Es titula The Declaration of Independence. A Global History, i el seu autor és l'historiador de Harvard, David Armitage.

No l'he començat a llegir encara, però, el seu contingut és summament interessant: l'estudi de l'impacte de la declaració d'independència americana (1776), en les declaracions d'independència posteriors (fins al 1993). De fet, doncs, es tracta d'una obra que reivindica la rellevància de la Declaració en la Història Mundial dels darrers dos-cents anys. Entre aquests anys, l'autor recopila 117 declaracions d'independència, algunes no reconegudes per la comunitat internacional,. D'algunes d'aquestes declaracions se'n recullen fragments: Flandes (1790), Haití (1804), Veneçuela (1811), Nova Zelanda (1835), Texas (1836), Libèria (1847), Txecoslovàquia (1918), Vietnam (1945), Israel (1948), Rhodèsia del Sud (1965). En tots aquests documents, l'empremta de la Declaració americana hi és ben present, d'una manera o una altra.

Modestament, penso que és un text que hauria de ser de lectura obligatòria, perquè és l'exemple paradigmàtic d'un document revolucionari, que trenca sense manies amb l'ordre establert. És efectivament un autèntic Acte de Sobirania. El seu primer fragment, que no resisteixo la temptació de reproduir, directament m'emociona i em toca la fibra. És aquest:

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."


Josep Sort

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