Wednesday, November 28, 2012

'The People of Catalonia, the Northeastern region of Spain, would like to hold a referendum on whether or not they would like to become independent from the Spain. The Catalan people have their own distinct language, culture and traditions that are not being respected by the Spanish government; many Catalans do not feel Spanish, but rather a Catalan citizen without their own State. In 2012 during their national holiday, 1.5 million people took to the streets of Barcelona to demand independence, yet the Spanish government simply ignored them. In adherence to the guiding principles of our own Declaration of Independence, we ask the United States government to stand with the Catalan people's right to decide a future that is best for them through a fair and democratic referendum.'

Catalonia the next state in Europe !


empordaaccio | esborrar | dijous, 29 de novembre de 2012 | 02:30h

Recullen signatures a la web de la Casa Blanca per l'autodeterminació de Catalunya

Se'n necessiten 25.000 abans de Nadal perquè el president Obama les prengui en consideració
Un nord-americà ha entrat una petició a la Casa Blanca demanant el reconeixement del dret d'autodeterminació del poble català pel president Barack Obama. La petició, enviada a través de la web de participació ciutadana del govern dels EUA, cal que sigui secundada per 25.000 signatures abans de Nadal perquè Obama i el seu equip la puguin tenir en compte. Poc després de les cinc de la tarda no hi havia sinó set-centes signatures.
La iniciativa defensa que 'Catalunya vol fer un referèndum per decidir si esdevé independent d'Espanya' i explica que 'els catalans tenen la seva pròpia llengua, cultura i tradicions que no són respectades pel govern espanyol'. També explica que 'molts catalans no se senten espanyols'. També fa referència a la manifestació de l'Onze de Setembre que va fer sortir 'un milió i mig de ciutadans als carrers de Barcelona per demanar la independència, encara que van ser ignorats pel govern espanyol'.
A continuació, la petició fa referència als 'principis que guien la nostra pròpia Declaració d'independència'
per demanar al govern dels Estats Units que 'faci costat al dret del poble català per fer decidir un futur que sigui millor amb un referèndum net i democràtic'.
Text original de la petició:
'The People of Catalonia, the Northeastern region of Spain, would like to hold a referendum on whether or not they would like to become independent from the Spain. The Catalan people have their own distinct language, culture and traditions that are not being respected by the Spanish government; many Catalans do not feel Spanish, but rather a Catalan citizen without their own State. In 2012 during their national holiday, 1.5 million people took to the streets of Barcelona to demand independence, yet the Spanish government simply ignored them. In adherence to the guiding principles of our own Declaration of Independence, we ask the United States government to stand with the Catalan people's right to decide a future that is best for them through a fair and democratic referendum.'

Més informació: Milers de nord-americans demanen la secessió dels seus estats després de la reelecció d'Obama
Descobrim qui és Sharif (Corinaldi)
Qui hi ha darrere el vídeo del novaiorquès independentista?
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Un novaiorquès explica al món 'la lluita de Catalunya per la independència' en un vídeo
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Dos americans parlen de la repressió del català

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Catalonia The Next State in Europe

Catalonia The Next State in Europe  

Separatists suggest 2014 as a possible date for a plebiscite. The glue holding CiU and ERC together could come unstuck sooner than that. "


Dear colleagues,

As usual after Catalan elections, please find an update on the outcome of the vote which took place last Sunday 25th November 2012. The main facts of these elections are:


·         Very high participation: 70% compared to 59% in 2010 to elect 135 MPs of the Catalan Parliament. It proves that the issue of self-determination matters. This participation has been even higher than in last Spanish elections of 2011 in Catalonia (66%).

·         CiU remains the first Party of Catalonia with 50 MPs and the 30% of the vote: 1,112,341 votes (1,202,830 in 2010). CiU has lost 12 seats, 11 of which have gone to a left-wing independentist party (ERC), because of the austerity measures applied by the CiU government in the last 2 years.

·        The second party in the Catalan Parliament  is an independentist one: ERC  has  got 21 MPs (496,292 votes), rising from 10 MPs in 2010 (218,046 votes). His leader, Oriol Junqueras, has been MEP in the Green/ALE group between 2009 and 2011).

·         Pro-referendum parties won 87 of the 135  MPs in the Catalan parliament (1 more compared to 2010), because Catalan Greens (13 MPs of ICVerds, the party of Raül Romeva) and Catalan Communists (3 MPs) also support the referendum.

·      Both Spanish parties (PP and PSOE) have obtained together the 27% of the votes, falling from 31% they got in 2010. PSOE got 20 MPs with 523,333 votes (28 MPs in 2010) and PP got 19 MPs with 471,197 votes (18 Mps in 2010).

·       The anti-independence parties reach only 48 MPs of the 135 MPs: there's a third party, Ciutadans which obtained 9 MPs. It is a new pro-Spanish party not dependent from the 2 big Spanish parties of Madrid.

·        Even if, in the last week of the campaign, there has been in some Madrid press a huge blaming game against the Catalan President Artur Mas, with allegations of corruption and having secret banc accounts in Switzerland, according to a supposed existing dossier from the Spanish police which has not been demonstrated, Artur Mas and CiU has clearly won again the elections. Yesterday he declared during a press conference, that the referendum will surely take place in this legislature.

Full results of the vote can be found here:

 Let me quote  a short passage of the FT editorial published today: Barcelona’s draw

" True, CiU and ERC have enough seats to form a governing coalition that would put the question of sovereignty at the heart of its programme. But the parties hold opposite views on the economy, with ERC strongly opposed to the programme of fiscal consolidation championed by Mr Mas. Separatists suggest 2014 as a possible date for a plebiscite. The glue holding CiU and ERC together could come unstuck sooner than that. "

On this note of hope, I wish you a great day and week

Best regards, 

Ramon Tremosa-i-Balcells
Catalan MEP, ALDE Group 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

15N 2012 = 60 mitjans internacionals i 120 periodistes acreditats

El món mira a Catalunya. 60 mitjans internacionals i 120 periodistes acreditats
Uns seixanta mitjans internacionals, la majoria europeus, estan seguint la jornada electoral catalana d`aquest diumenge des del Parlament, on s`ha establert el centre de difusió de dades.

Segons han informat des de la Conselleria de Governació, s`han acreditat periodistes de nombrosos mitjans de comunicació europeus, entre els quals n`hi ha de França, Itàlia, Alemanya i El Regne Unit, com la BBC, la RAI, Canal+ i TF1, entre d`altres.

A més, s`han acreditat periodistes de la cadena àrab Al Jazira, de diversos rotatius japonesos, d`una televisió iraniana i una ràdio xilena.

Més de 500 periodistes s`han acreditat per seguir la nit electoral, 120 d`ells estrangers, a l`Hotel Majestic de Barcelona, des d`on el president de la Generalitat i candidat de CiU a la reelecció, Artur Mas, seguirà el transcurs del recompte electoral.

Segons fonts de CiU, dels 500 periodistes acreditats, entre càmeres, tècnics, fotògrafs i redactors, 120 són estrangers, i representen 130 mitjans, dels quals 60 són d`àmbit internacional, pel que s`han hagut d`habilitar tres sales perquè puguin fer el seguiment dels resultats.


Legal complaint against spanish state`s obstruction to Catalans living abroad Last Friday, members from the independentist association,

Legal complaint against spanish state`s obstruction to Catalans living abroad
Last Friday, members from the independentist association,

Catalunya Diu Prou, did submitt to the police court, a complaint against the difficulties that Catalans living abroad have had in order to make their vote for the upcoming Catalan parliamentary elections, this Sunday, 25th of November (25-N).

Most part of Catalans living abroad could not exercise their right to vote, because the Spanish embassies aware of the importance of this electoral call in regarding the support for independence, have prevented their right offering all kind of problems.

This report has also a preventive aspect, because planning for the next referendum for the independence of Catalonia, Catalans living abroad could end up having similar difficulties in case of future spanish state`s required “paperwork”.

According to all polls, the votes from these Catalans living abroad would be mostly in favour to political parties that support Catalonia`s independence.

A total of 150.346 Catalan voters who live abroad can not cast their vote in this Catalan elections 25-N, according to the International Federation of Catalan Entities (FIEC), and only 16,271 electors entitled to vote are able to overcome the first step of the so-called prayed vote (better known as "vote Pray")

Countries where catalans have found more problems for exercising the right to vote are the U.S., Canada, Australia, Mexico, China, Bolivia and Chile.

The legal services of Catalunya Diu Prou, with the suport of the Catalans platforms in the world, and its web , are advising the various affected in the diferent countries.

Those who wish to make a complaint, can send a mail explaining his testimony to

Monday, November 19, 2012

El gran debate que Tena (SI-Garantia de la Independència) tuvo que reconduzir muchas veces.

En tv3 acabamos de ver el debate entre todas las primeras espadas de los 
siete partidos politicos mas importantes solo faltaba el CUP, han habido 
algunos momentos cuando ya hacia casi dos horas que discutian que 
empezaban a parecer españoles algunos de ellos, la Camacho ha sido la 
ganadora del ridículo, seguida del socialista que se ha peleado con ella 
mucho, el mas contundente Lopez Tena del SI (le ha dicho a la Camacho 
que le gustaria que tuviera la oportunidad de votar NO al derecho ha 
decidir) El Ribera ha tenido expresiones muy afortunadas en contra de la 
Camacho y del socialista Navarro parece a veces muy independentista este 
muchacho), los republicanos junto al resto todos independentistas han 
sido muy coherentes y se han atacado muy poco entre ellos y Mas ha 
estado soberbio, tranquilo y con los objerivos muy claros, en resumen la 
que se ha llevado mas hostias, la Camacho y también el Navarro con su 
federalismo. Mas es el amo, despues de tener el derecho a decidir, Mas 
dice que ya veremos que decide el Pueblo y según desee habrá que actuar, 
con leyes españolas, catalanas o extranjeras, es todo, no es hora de 
explicar que pasará mas tarde ya vermos que mandará la gente a sus 
representantes políticos, si los peperos y socialistas fueran capaces de 
convencer pues a lo mejor deberíamos integrarnos mas a España..

El españolerismo tiene mala cabida en la Catalunya actual ahora a los 
embusteros se les ve el culo muy facilmente.

De todos modos aquí se puede hablar de todo sin que nadie se enfurezca 
apesar de la Camacho, del tonto del Navarro y del niñato del Ribera, y 
Mas tendrá que espabilarse porque los del SI y los republicanos le 
apretarán muy fuerte, bueno, y la Camacho y el Navarro también a su manera.

No creo que los españoles comprendais nunca este Pais y las 
consecuencias serán terribles especialmente para vosotros. Mientras 
habeis sacado de Europa, habeis sacado mas de 
300.000.000.000 de Catalunya ¡Claro que no os lo creeis! es que es 


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