Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Columbus was a Catalan and history must be revised

Columbus was a Catalan and history must be revised

Revise the official History written by Spain

1. Spread the word that Columbus was a Catalan
2. The appropiation of such an important Catalan discovery by Spain leads to a necessary revision.
3. History and literature books of the XVIth Century are under suspicion

Arts & Culture - Humanities and Historical Societies


Xavier Mir Oliveras
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Cicle de conferències "Cristòfor Colom fou català"
« Cristòfor Colom fou català »

Cicle de Conferències
Dies 20, 22, 29 de Gener i 5 de Febrer 2009
Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona
C/. Arcs , 5 BARCELONA

Dia 20 de Gener 2009
a 2/ 4 de 8 h ( 7:30 h)
Cristòfor Colom: Informació general,… (more)
Posted by Xavier Mir Oliveras (Creator)
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Friday, December 26, 2008

Catalan secessionist cause for an Own State

Causa independentista catalana per un estat propi (Catalan secessionist cause for an Own State)

Assolir una majoria social per la independència dels Països Catalans (to be a social majority for the independence of the Catalan Countries)

See Extended Info

1. Ser independentista català (be in favor of the independence of the Catalan Countries)

2. Difondre la causa independentista catalana (Spread the Catalan secessionist cause)
3. Convèncer persones perquè s'uneixin a la causa independentista catalana (Convince people to join the Catalan secessionist cause)

4. Sumar-se al mapa (join the map


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Law and Justice?

History of Parliament Trust


Journal of the House of Lords: volume 20


Page 136, Page 137, Page 138, Page 139, Page 140, Page 141, Page 142, Page 143, Page 144


'House of Lords Journal Volume 20: 2 August 1715', Journal of the House of Lords: volume 20: 1714-1717, pp. 136-144. URL: case Date accessed: 25 November 2008. > Add to my bookshelf.


"That whereas Her late Majesty Queen Ann, after several unsuccessful Attempts, in Conjunction with Her Allies, to establish His present Imperial Majesty on the Throne of Spain, being informed that the People of Catalonia were inclined to cast off the Yoke imposed upon them by the French, and to return to the Obedience of the House of Austria; and Her Majesty being desirous to maintain and improve that good Disposition in them, and to induce them to put the same speedily in Execution; did send Mitford Crow Esquire to them, with necessary Powers and Instructions to carry on so great a Work, for the Advantage of Her Service, and the Good of the common Cause; and, to that End, to treat with the Catalans, or any other People of Spain, about their coming into the Interest of King Charles the Third, His present Imperial Majesty, and joining with Her Majesty and Her Allies against the common Enemy; and Her Majesty, after Her gracious Assurances to assist them with Men and Money, was pleased to authorize Her said Minister to give them Her utmost Assurances, to procure the Establishment of all such Rights and Immunities as they had formerly enjoyed under the House of Austria; and that, for their further Satisfaction, She had sent for Powers from King Charles the Third, for confirming the same, and was willing to become Guarantee that it should be done; nevertheless, on this express Condition, that they should receive the said King Charles as lawful King of Spain, and utterly renounce the House of Bourbon; and, together with the said Instructions, Her Majesty was pleased to sign, and cause to be delivered to Her said Minister, Credential Letters, to the Nobility, Magistrates, and all other Officers Civil and Military, of Catalonia, desiring them to depend on the Promises He should make them in Her Name; and, in Her Majesty's Instructions to the Earl of Peterborow and Sir Cloudesly Shovell, in or about the Month of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Five, they are ordered to use their utmost Endeavours to induce the Catalans to join with them in their Undertaking; and to assure them of Her Majesty's Support; and to promise them, in the Queen's Name, that She would secure them a Confirmation of their Rights and Privileges from the King of Spain, that they might be settled on a lasting Foundation to them and their Posterity; and in case Persuation should not prevail, and the Catalans should not make a suitable Return to those kind Offers, they were ordered to annoy their Towns on the Coast of Spain, and to reduce them by Force: And in Conformity to these Instructions, a Manifesto, or Declaration, was prepared, by the Privity and Advice of Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, then One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and delivered to the said Earl of Peterborow, full, on the one Hand, of the Assurances afore-mentioned; and, on the other Hand, of Menaces to them, in case they declined Her Majesty's Overtures; which Manifesto was afterwards published by him the said Earl of Peterborow in Catalonia: And whereas the Nobility, Clergy, and the whole Principality of Catalonia, and the Inhabitants of the Isle of Majorca, relying on the Faith of those Royal Assurances, did utterly abandon the House of Bourbon, and acknowledged King Charles the Third, His present Imperial Majesty, for their lawful Sovereign, and did join their Arms with those of Her Majesty and Her Allies, against the Duke of Anjou; and it having pleased Almighty God so far to bless Her Majesty's pious and generous Undertaking, as, by most sigual Successes, in a short Time, to deliver the Principality of Catalonia from the heavy Yoke of French Bondage; and great Supplies having been granted by Parliament for the reducing the whole Kingdom of Spain to the Obedience of the House of Austria, the Arms of Her Majesty and Her Allies were attended with vast Successes, having Twice entered the Capital City of that Kingdom, and obtained many other signal Consequents, to the great Advantage of the common Cause; and, through the whole Progress thereof, the Bravery and Firmness of the Catalans being always remarkable, thereby, as well as from the repeated Assurances given to them, from Time to Time, in Her Majesty's Name, by every General and Minister sent from Great Britain to Spain, the Hearts of that brave People were united under the strongest Ties of Affection and Gratitude to Her Majesty; and they were justly held in the strictest Dependence on the Continuance of Her Royal Protection; he, the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, being an Enemy to the common Liberty of Europe, and having traiterously entered into Conspiracies for subjecting the whole Spanish Monarchy to to the House of Bourbon, and designing most maliciously the utter Ruin and Destruction of the ancient Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, of the Catalans, who had made so glorious a Stand for the Preservation of them, did, together with other false and evil Counsellors, form a most dishonourable, wicked, and cruel Contrivance, not only for abandoning the Catalans to the Fury and Revenge of the Duke of Anjou and his Adherents, but for the final Extirpation of all their Rights, Liberties, and Privileges; and, in Execution of that his Intention, during the private, separate, and pernicious Negotiation of Peace, which was carried on between him and the Ministers of France, and before any Negotiation of Peace was set on Foot in due Form of Law between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain, did advise Her Majesty to give Directions to the Lord Lexington, Her Ambassador to the Court of Spain, to acknowledge the Duke of Anjou King of Spain; but was greatly wanting in his Duty to Her Majesty, in not advising Her to give Instructions to Her said Minister, at the same Time, peremptorily and absolutely to insist on the securing the Catalans Liberties, at the Conclusion of the Peace: And although the private, separate, and treacherous Practices of him the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer and others, in Combination with the Ministers of France, did afterwards, on or about the Fourteenth of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen, necessitate His present Imperial Majesty to conclude a Treaty for the evacuating Catalonia, whereof Her Majesty was Guarantee, without any express and positive Stipulations for the Catalans Liberties; His Imperial Majesty relying in that respect on Her Majesty's Declaration to interpose for them in the most effectual Manner, and on the Promises of the French King to join His Endeavours for the same Purpose; and although Her Sacred Majesty did, both before and after, frequently declare, by Her Ministers in Spain, "That She thought Herself under the strongest Ties of Honour and Conscience, not to abandon a People, whom the Necessities of the War had obliged Her to draw into Her Interest;" and though the French King did not join His Endeavours for the Purposes aforesaid; he the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, together with other false and wicked Councellors, having, from Time to Time, amused and deceived the distressed Catalans with groundless Hopes of Her Majesty's effectual Interpositions in their Favour, thereby engaging them in a more obstinate Defence of their Territories against the Duke of Anjou, was not only highly wanting in his Duty to Her Majesty, by not doing what in him lay, as a faithful Minister, to have prevented the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace with Spain, till just and honourable Conditions were secured for the Catalans; but did, falsely, maliciously, and treacherously, advise Her Majesty to conclude a Peace with the King of Spain, without any Security for the ancient and just Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, of that brave, but unhappy, Nation; and did further advise Her Majesty to send Sir James Wishart, Her Admiral, with a large Squadron of Men of War, at a great Expence, to favour the said King of Spain in the Siege of Barcelona, the Capital City of Catalonia; and with express Instructions, "That in case the Inhabitants of Majorca should refuse the Terms that should be offered them by the Duke of Anjou, to employ his Squadron in countenancing and assisting all Attempts that should be made for reducing them to a due Obedience;" by which most vile and detestable Counsels, Her Sacred Majesty, contrary to Her most pious Intentions, the Faith of Nations, and the Duties of Religion and Humanity itself, and contrary to Her solemn and repeated Assurances, was prevailed on to abandon a distressed People, drawn in and engaged by Her own Invitation into an open War with the Duke of Anjou, for the Preservation of the Liberties of Europe, and the Commerce of Great Britain; and the Persons, Estates, Dignities, Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, of the Catalans, were given up, as a Sacrifice to the implacable Resentment of their enraged and powerful Enemy; and the Honour of the British Nation, always renowned for the Love of Liberty, and for giving Protection to the Assertors of it, was most basely prostituted; and a free and generous People, the faithful and useful Allies of this Kingdom, were betrayed, in the most unparalleled Manner, into irrevocable Slavery; and in Consequence of which most dishonourable and perfidious Counsels, the most execrable Hostilities, Burnings, and Plunderings, were committed upon them throughout their whole Province, without sparing the Effusion of innocent Blood, and without the Distinction of Age or Sex; and that unfortunate People were afterwards forced to undergo the utmost Miseries of a Siege, in their Capital City of Barcelona; during which, great Multitudes of them perished by Famine and the Sword, many of them have since been executed; and great Numbers of the Nobility of Catalonia, who, for their Constancy and Bravery in Defence of their Liberties, and for their Services in Conjunction with Her Majesty and Her Allies, had, in all Honour, Justice, and Conscience, the highest Claim to Her Majesty's Protection, are now dispersed in Dungeons throughout the Spanish Dominions; and not only the Catalan Liberties extirpated, but, by those wicked Counsels of him the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, Catalonia itself is almost become desolate: All which Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed and done by him the said Earl, against our late Sovereign Lady the Queen, Her Crown and Dignity, the Peace and Interest of this Kingdom, and in Breach of the several Trusts reposed in him the said Earl; and he the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer was either Commissioner of the Treasury, or Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain, and One of Her Majesty's Privy Council, during the Time that all and every the Crimes before set forth, were done and committed: For which Matters and Things the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, do, in the Name of themselves and of all the Commons of Great Britain, further impeach the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer of other high Crimes and Misdemeanors, in the said Articles contained.

"And the said Commons, by Protestation, saving to themselves the Liberty of exhibiting, at any Time hereafter, any other Accusations or Impeachments against the said Earl; and also of replying to the Answers which the said Rob't Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer shall make to the Premises, or any of them, or to any Impeachment or Accusation that shall be by them exhibited, according to the Course and Proceedings of Parliament; do pray, that the said Rob't Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer be put to answer all and every the Premises; and that such Proceedings, Examinations, Trials, and Judgements, may be upon them, and every of them, had and used, as shall be agreeable to Law and Justice."

Law and Justice?


"That whereas Her late Majesty Queen Ann, after several unsuccessful Attempts, in Conjunction with Her Allies, to establish His present Imperial Majesty on the Throne of Spain, being informed that the People of Catalonia were inclined to cast off the Yoke imposed upon them by the French, and to return to the Obedience of the House of Austria; and Her Majesty being desirous to maintain and improve that good Disposition in them, and to induce them to put the same speedily in Execution; did send Mitford Crow Esquire to them, with necessary Powers and Instructions to carry on so great a Work, for the Advantage of Her Service, and the Good of the common Cause; and, to that End, to treat with the Catalans, or any other People of Spain, about their coming into the Interest of King Charles the Third, His present Imperial Majesty, and joining with Her Majesty and Her Allies against the common Enemy; and Her Majesty, after Her gracious Assurances to assist them with Men and Money, was pleased to authorize Her said Minister to give them Her utmost Assurances, to procure the Establishment of all such Rights and Immunities as they had formerly enjoyed under the House of Austria; and that, for their further Satisfaction, She had sent for Powers from King Charles the Third, for confirming the same, and was willing to become Guarantee that it should be done; nevertheless, on this express Condition, that they should receive the said King Charles as lawful King of Spain, and utterly renounce the House of Bourbon; and, together with the said Instructions, Her Majesty was pleased to sign, and cause to be delivered to Her said Minister, Credential Letters, to the Nobility, Magistrates, and all other Officers Civil and Military, of Catalonia, desiring them to depend on the Promises He should make them in Her Name; and, in Her Majesty's Instructions to the Earl of Peterborow and Sir Cloudesly Shovell, in or about the Month of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Five, they are ordered to use their utmost Endeavours to induce the Catalans to join with them in their Undertaking; and to assure them of Her Majesty's Support; and to promise them, in the Queen's Name, that She would secure them a Confirmation of their Rights and Privileges from the King of Spain, that they might be settled on a lasting Foundation to them and their Posterity; and in case Persuation should not prevail, and the Catalans should not make a suitable Return to those kind Offers, they were ordered to annoy their Towns on the Coast of Spain, and to reduce them by Force: And in Conformity to these Instructions, a Manifesto, or Declaration, was prepared, by the Privity and Advice of Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, then One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and delivered to the said Earl of Peterborow, full, on the one Hand, of the Assurances afore-mentioned; and, on the other Hand, of Menaces to them, in case they declined Her Majesty's Overtures; which Manifesto was afterwards published by him the said Earl of Peterborow in Catalonia: And whereas the Nobility, Clergy, and the whole Principality of Catalonia, and the Inhabitants of the Isle of Majorca, relying on the Faith of those Royal Assurances, did utterly abandon the House of Bourbon, and acknowledged King Charles the Third, His present Imperial Majesty, for their lawful Sovereign, and did join their Arms with those of Her Majesty and Her Allies, against the Duke of Anjou; and it having pleased Almighty God so far to bless Her Majesty's pious and generous Undertaking, as, by most sigual Successes, in a short Time, to deliver the Principality of Catalonia from the heavy Yoke of French Bondage; and great Supplies having been granted by Parliament for the reducing the whole Kingdom of Spain to the Obedience of the House of Austria, the Arms of Her Majesty and Her Allies were attended with vast Successes, having Twice entered the Capital City of that Kingdom, and obtained many other signal Consequents, to the great Advantage of the common Cause; and, through the whole Progress thereof, the Bravery and Firmness of the Catalans being always remarkable, thereby, as well as from the repeated Assurances given to them, from Time to Time, in Her Majesty's Name, by every General and Minister sent from Great Britain to Spain, the Hearts of that brave People were united under the strongest Ties of Affection and Gratitude to Her Majesty; and they were justly held in the strictest Dependence on the Continuance of Her Royal Protection; he, the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, being an Enemy to the common Liberty of Europe, and having traiterously entered into Conspiracies for subjecting the whole Spanish Monarchy to to the House of Bourbon, and designing most maliciously the utter Ruin and Destruction of the ancient Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, of the Catalans, who had made so glorious a Stand for the Preservation of them, did, together with other false and evil Counsellors, form a most dishonourable, wicked, and cruel Contrivance, not only for abandoning the Catalans to the Fury and Revenge of the Duke of Anjou and his Adherents, but for the final Extirpation of all their Rights, Liberties, and Privileges; and, in Execution of that his Intention, during the private, separate, and pernicious Negotiation of Peace, which was carried on between him and the Ministers of France, and before any Negotiation of Peace was set on Foot in due Form of Law between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain, did advise Her Majesty to give Directions to the Lord Lexington, Her Ambassador to the Court of Spain, to acknowledge the Duke of Anjou King of Spain; but was greatly wanting in his Duty to Her Majesty, in not advising Her to give Instructions to Her said Minister, at the same Time, peremptorily and absolutely to insist on the securing the Catalans Liberties, at the Conclusion of the Peace: And although the private, separate, and treacherous Practices of him the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer and others, in Combination with the Ministers of France, did afterwards, on or about the Fourteenth of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen, necessitate His present Imperial Majesty to conclude a Treaty for the evacuating Catalonia, whereof Her Majesty was Guarantee, without any express and positive Stipulations for the Catalans Liberties; His Imperial Majesty relying in that respect on Her Majesty's Declaration to interpose for them in the most effectual Manner, and on the Promises of the French King to join His Endeavours for the same Purpose; and although Her Sacred Majesty did, both before and after, frequently declare, by Her Ministers in Spain, "That She thought Herself under the strongest Ties of Honour and Conscience, not to abandon a People, whom the Necessities of the War had obliged Her to draw into Her Interest;" and though the French King did not join His Endeavours for the Purposes aforesaid; he the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, together with other false and wicked Councellors, having, from Time to Time, amused and deceived the distressed Catalans with groundless Hopes of Her Majesty's effectual Interpositions in their Favour, thereby engaging them in a more obstinate Defence of their Territories against the Duke of Anjou, was not only highly wanting in his Duty to Her Majesty, by not doing what in him lay, as a faithful Minister, to have prevented the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace with Spain, till just and honourable Conditions were secured for the Catalans; but did, falsely, maliciously, and treacherously, advise Her Majesty to conclude a Peace with the King of Spain, without any Security for the ancient and just Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, of that brave, but unhappy, Nation; and did further advise Her Majesty to send Sir James Wishart, Her Admiral, with a large Squadron of Men of War, at a great Expence, to favour the said King of Spain in the Siege of Barcelona, the Capital City of Catalonia; and with express Instructions, "That in case the Inhabitants of Majorca should refuse the Terms that should be offered them by the Duke of Anjou, to employ his Squadron in countenancing and assisting all Attempts that should be made for reducing them to a due Obedience;" by which most vile and detestable Counsels, Her Sacred Majesty, contrary to Her most pious Intentions, the Faith of Nations, and the Duties of Religion and Humanity itself, and contrary to Her solemn and repeated Assurances, was prevailed on to abandon a distressed People, drawn in and engaged by Her own Invitation into an open War with the Duke of Anjou, for the Preservation of the Liberties of Europe, and the Commerce of Great Britain; and the Persons, Estates, Dignities, Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, of the Catalans, were given up, as a Sacrifice to the implacable Resentment of their enraged and powerful Enemy; and the Honour of the British Nation, always renowned for the Love of Liberty, and for giving Protection to the Assertors of it, was most basely prostituted; and a free and generous People, the faithful and useful Allies of this Kingdom, were betrayed, in the most unparalleled Manner, into irrevocable Slavery; and in Consequence of which most dishonourable and perfidious Counsels, the most execrable Hostilities, Burnings, and Plunderings, were committed upon them throughout their whole Province, without sparing the Effusion of innocent Blood, and without the Distinction of Age or Sex; and that unfortunate People were afterwards forced to undergo the utmost Miseries of a Siege, in their Capital City of Barcelona; during which, great Multitudes of them perished by Famine and the Sword, many of them have since been executed; and great Numbers of the Nobility of Catalonia, who, for their Constancy and Bravery in Defence of their Liberties, and for their Services in Conjunction with Her Majesty and Her Allies, had, in all Honour, Justice, and Conscience, the highest Claim to Her Majesty's Protection, are now dispersed in Dungeons throughout the Spanish Dominions; and not only the Catalan Liberties extirpated, but, by those wicked Counsels of him the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, Catalonia itself is almost become desolate: All which Crimes and Misdemeanors were committed and done by him the said Earl, against our late Sovereign Lady the Queen, Her Crown and Dignity, the Peace and Interest of this Kingdom, and in Breach of the several Trusts reposed in him the said Earl; and he the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer was either Commissioner of the Treasury, or Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain, and One of Her Majesty's Privy Council, during the Time that all and every the Crimes before set forth, were done and committed: For which Matters and Things the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, do, in the Name of themselves and of all the Commons of Great Britain, further impeach the said Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer of other high Crimes and Misdemeanors, in the said Articles contained.

"And the said Commons, by Protestation, saving to themselves the Liberty of exhibiting, at any Time hereafter, any other Accusations or Impeachments against the said Earl; and also of replying to the Answers which the said Rob't Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer shall make to the Premises, or any of them, or to any Impeachment or Accusation that shall be by them exhibited, according to the Course and Proceedings of Parliament; do pray, that the said Rob't Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer be put to answer all and every the Premises; and that such Proceedings, Examinations, Trials, and Judgements, may be upon them, and every of them, had and used, as shall be agreeable to Law and Justice."

Thursday, November 13, 2008



The Federació Catalana de Bitlles i Bowling for the first time participated in a European competition, the XXXI European Champions Cup, that took place in Duisburg (Germany) from the 20th to the 26th of October· The Catalan federation was represented by the finalists of the National Individual Championship of Catalonia, Sandra Torrents (Diagonal Club Bowling) and Raúl Gálvez (Sweetrade Bowling Club)·



ALBERT1969 | dijous, 13 de novembre de 2008 | 17:50h

La Federació Espanyola de Bitlles torna a la carrega amb la seva croada contra la Federació Catalana, què ha aconseguit el seu reconeixement oficial internacional.

Ara la FEBOLOS ha presentat una demanda contra la catalana als jutjats de Barcelona, per organitzar i participar en competicions internacionals sense permís del Consejo Superior de Deportes, i incomplir així la llei espanyola.

Aquesta Federació viu obsessionada en gastar el seu pressupost en demandes i arguments legals, tot hi la seva derrota en els recursos presentats a la Federació Internacional, al TAS i als tribunals federals suïssos arran de la oficialitat de la catalana.

La conseqüència es la retirada dels equips espanyols que havien de competir en els torneigs internacionals, on si hi ha participat la catalana, i aquesta demanda per danys i prejudicis per la exclusió voluntària espanyola, basada en que la llei espanyola de l’esport atorga la representació única internacional dels combinats espanyols, i xoca amb l’Estatut Català, què com a llei orgànica te un rang superior, però concretament aquests articles estant al TC pendents de resolució.

De fet aquesta obsessió malaltissa, amb una mentalitat digne de l’època feudal, i sense adaptar-se als temps on vivim, ja que per activa i per passiva les altes instàncies judicials de l’esport ja han resolt que estant per damunt de la llei esportiva de qualsevol estat, i això dona el rang oficial a la federació catalana sense discussió possible.

La retirada espanyola per no competir amb Catalunya amb normalitat, es una decisió voluntària de la federació espanyola per la seva xenofòbia esportiva, i mentalitat rància que no es problema de ningú mes que dels propis dirigents espanyols, què segueixen sense digerir la visibilitat catalana amb normalitat com ho fan altres nacions sense estat, i segueixen gastant els diners dels nostres impostos amb guerres absurdes i sense sentit.

Una democràcia de fireta te aquestes coses, un pensament únic, una llengua única, una cultura única, i per suposat una selecció única que tant hàbilment han convertit en una eina política fent una barreja amb l’esport que en qualsevol estat normal mai es te que produir, i que busca l’exclusió de qualsevol altre selecció que amb la llei internacional a la ma, evidentment no pot quedar exclosa del seu àmbit on darrere te el suport d’un territori, i un sentiment, que per molt que vulguin menysprear i ignorar no ha defallit encara i segueix lluitant pel seu reconeixement just.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

'Euskal Herria bakea bai. Erabakia bai' leloa osatu dute milaka herritarrek, EAJk, EAk, EBk eta Aralarrek deituta

(# »
# Euskal Herria)

'Euskal Herria bakea bai. Erabakia bai' leloa osatu dute milaka herritarrek, EAJk, EAk, EBk eta Aralarrek deituta

Herri kontsultaren aldeko ekimena egin dute Gernika-Lumon, Zornotzan, Durangon, Urkiolan, Legution eta Gasteizen. 20.000 lagun bildu direla diote antolatzaileek. Gasteizko ekitaldian bakea, erabaki eskubidea eta elkarrizketa politikoa aldarrikatu dituzte. "Inposaketa, indarkeria eta debekua" deitoratu dituzte.


Araba, Bizkai eta Gipuzkoan kontsulta egitekoa zen egunean, irudietako bat izan da gaur EAJk, EAk, EBk eta Aralarrek erakutsi dutena EAEko hainbat herritan: Euskal Herria bakea bai. Erabakia bai leloa osatu dute milaka herritarrek, alderdi haiek deituta. Espainiako Auzitegi Konstituzionalak EAEko herri kontsulta egitea galarazi izana salatu dute Hitza hitz ekimenean.

Bizkaian, Gernika-Lumon Euskal hitza osatu dute, Zornotzan Herria, Durangon bakea eta Urkiolako gainean bai. Araban, Legution Erabakia eta Gasteizen bai. Ekimen bakoitzean, mila bat herritar bildu dira hitzaren gainean. Beste hainbat lagun ere elkartu da toki bakoitzean.

Antolatzaileen arabera, 20.000 lagun izan dira: Gernika-Lumon 4.000, Zornotzan 3.000, Durangon 5.000, Urkiolan 3.500, Legution 4.000 eta Gasteizen 1.500.

Gernika-Lumon ekin diote lehendabizi, 11:25ean. Gasteizkoa izan da azkena, 12:45etik. Hemen kolore gorri, berde eta txuriko aterkiak altxatu dituzte hitzaren gainean kokatuta zeuden lagunek, goiko helikoptero bidez argazkiak atera ahal izateko. Besteetan ere atera dituzte argazkiak.

13:00etan hasi da haien ekitaldi nagusia, Gasteizen, Foruen plazan. "Euskal Herriak erabakitzeko eta bakean eta aske normalizazio politikoa lortzeko duen ahalmena" aldarrikatu dute agirian. Honek hiru ardatz ditu: bakea, erabaki eskubidea eta elkarrizketa politikoa. "XXI. mendearen hasieran, printzipio demokratikoaren atarian ezinezkoa da aldebakartasunetik eta ukatzearen oinarritik eraikitako politika bat mantentzea, eta are gutxiago, legitimotasuna Espainiako eta Frantziako subiranotasunak soilik aldarrikatzen duenean".

"Inposaketa, indarkeria eta debekua" gaitzetsi dituzte agirian, eta horiek gaur egun gizartean "ezartzen" direla azpimarratu dute. "Protagonista, baina, euskal gizartea da, eta hala izango da".

Halaber, ETAri indarkeria uzteko exijitu diote. "Bakea zor digu ETAK", esan dute.

Euskaraz, gazteleraz, frantsesez eta ingelesez irakurri dute agiria Gasteizko eta Nafarroako lau parlamentarik.

Gasteizko ekitaldian izan da Juan Jose Ibarretxe Eusko Jaurlaritzako lehendakaria, baita Arabako, Bizkaiko eta Gipuzkoako ahaldun nagusiak ere -Xabier Agirre, Jose Luis Bilbao eta Markel Olano, hurrenez hurren-.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Fair trial is an important human rights issue, and denial of that right created deep feelings of injustice and exclusion, which, for some, might trigger the decision to resort to the “inexcusable tactics of terrorism”, Martin Scheinin, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, told reporters this evening.

Securing fair trial might be strategically important in preventing people from taking that catastrophic step, he added. Mr. Scheinin was at Headquarters to deliver his annual report to the General Assembly’s Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, Cultural), and brief two of the three Security Council counter-terrorism committees: the 1267 Sanctions Committee, which compiled the list of Al-Qaida and Taliban terrorists, and the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

Among the major challenges to the United Nations action against terrorism was that the Organization’s terrorist listing procedures did not meet due process requirements of fair trial, he said. As long as that was the case, national courts must review sanctions implementation measures.

To improve the regime, he favoured introducing an independent review body composed of independent experts, which would be part of the Security Council’s decision-making procedure. A more radical option would be to abolish the 1267 Committee and list of Al-Qaida/Taliban terrorists, which would move the question of listing to the Counter-Terrorism Committee’s jurisdiction, on the basis of resolution 1373 (2001). The United Nations could provide expertise in identifying persons to be listed, but decisions would be made at the national level and, thus, avoid legal obstacles for effective review.

Taking questions, he described his visit in May to Spain, where he examined the country’s responses to domestic and international terrorism, including the Madrid bombings. He had identified best practices in the conduct of the trial for those bombings, but had concerns relating to the pre-trial phase of investigation and detention of suspects. He was in talks with the Spanish Government concerning the exact formulation of those concerns in his forthcoming report.

To a query on the Guantanamo Bay detention centre, he had a “strong expectation” that the new United States Administration, irrespective of who would be the President, would rapidly announce a plan to close that facility. He based that expectation on public statements by Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, who both criticized the facility.

The next stage would be release of those detainees who posed no threat, and the trial of those suspected of serious crimes. Mr. Scheinin expected those trials to be taken to federal courts, citing a “very convincing, reasoned report” by Human Rights First, which showed United States federal courts as competent to deal with terrorism cases in a sophisticated way that would meet fair trial guarantees.

Most difficult was the issue of how to handle detainees that were neither ready for release nor trial, he said, noting there might be proposals for an administrative detention regime, whereby indefinite detention would be continued under new legislation. He strongly recommended against that solution, as the Military Commissions Act had “many, many flaws” from the perspective of both international human rights law and United States constitutional law. Replacing it with an ex post facto law would unavoidably be assessed by international human rights bodies as constituting arbitrary detention.

As to the future of a Canadian detainee who was 15 years old at the time of his imprisonment at Guantanamo, and Canada’s decision to not request that he face fair trial in that country, he was concerned about that case, which deserved “serious attention” by human rights observers. It was troubling that Canada was not doing what others had done to get their citizens out of Guantanamo. Many countries had secured the release of their citizens; some had even instituted criminal charges with respect to those persons, which had resulted in convictions. Should Guantanamo close, he expected the case to be tried through the Military Commission or the federal courts.

To another query on Iceland’s concern at the freezing of bank assets in London under an anti-terrorism law, he said the Icelandic case demonstrated the risk that measures, initially inserted into legislation in the name of anti-terrorism, could create an unintended spill-over effect. It was a more general concern that anti-terrorism legislation could easily be abused for the purpose of curtailing protest opposition. In various countries, there was a broadening scope of application of terrorism legislation, or measures justified with reference to terrorism.

To a question on the length of pre-charge detention in the United Kingdom, he said the House of Lords had rejected a proposal to extend pre-charge detention to 42 days. He had addressed the issue with the Government, and in his most recent letter, underlined that the focus should not be on the number of days, but rather the scope of judicial review during that time. The United Kingdom had judicial review when charges were being prepared, but the scope of that judicial review was “insufficient”. He also underscored that the United Kingdom was sending the wrong message to the world, in that authoritarian Governments would be happy to copy the number of detention days from British legislation, but not the safeguards.

Responding to a question on measures in the United Arab Emirates to rid society of extremist Islamist elements, he said the issue was important and he had addressed it in a report, which stated that racial profiling was always prohibited, and profiling based on other in-born characteristics, such as ethnicity or religion, triggered close scrutiny as to what was being done.

He had recommended as a best practice, learning from investigation of ordinary crimes, which investigated suspects based on conduct, rather than ethnicity. To make his point, he highlighted Germany’s use of profiling in finding “sleepers”, which was “hugely expensive” and had led to the intrusion into the privacy of millions of people, whose data produced nothing in the search of identifying persons of risk.

To a question on whether the Security Council was acting illegally, he said that was not necessarily the case. If a distinction was maintained between the Council’s imposition of the sanction, and the national authorities’ implementation of it, he could live with a situation whereby national implementation was subject to review. The Security Council listing would be treated as a “rebuttable presumption”. He was aware, however, that listing was seen as mandatory, and not subject to domestic, judicial or any other review.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Sólo nos falta que también España pase a ser un gran Estado vecino." XAVIER RUBERT DE VENTÓS

valldalbaidi | POLÍTICA | dijous, 25 de setembre de 2008 | 19:17h
Per què? Molt senzill. És tanta la "burrera" i la "incoherència" dels nostres polítics (i quan dic "nostres" i "polítics" em referesc a "quasi" la seua totalitat) que ja no cal que penses massa per fer un apunt. Te'ls donen fets. I si no, mireu aquest titulars:

A la caza del profesor disidente. Educación moviliza a sus inspectores para vigilar que Ciudadanía se dé en inglés. (EL PAÍS)

Grandes eventos para sortear la crisis. El Consell responde a la grave situación económica con el impulso de espectáculos deportivos. (EL PAÍS)

"El peor comienzo de curso en años" Los directores de instituto instan a los padres a que exijan que sus hijos aprendan Ciudadanía. (LEVANTE-EMV)

La línea dura del PP en Ciudadanía indigna a los directores de instituto. Los responsables de los centros se sienten inseguros e indefensos. (EL PAÍS)

I si en voleu més llegiu aquestes cartes al director de Sebastián Fernández Izquierdo, Altos cargos (EL PAÍS) i La cultura del esfuerzo, de Federico Gómez Pardo (EL PAÍS).

I l'article de Xavier Rubert de Ventós, El español, ¡qué gran Lengua! (EL PAÍS) acaba així:

"Pues nada, consigamos que no lo sientan como un agravio; seamos un vulgar Estado más". Esto es lo que pueden ir pensando muchos catalanes -no necesariamente nacionalistas- al comprobar que no les queda otra si no quieren inquietar o irritar a los españoles cuando reclaman los derechos y medios indispensables para enfrentar desde la inmigración hasta la educación y la cohesión del país. ¿Que si somos una nación? Dejémosles a ellos estos discursos esencialistas, en el que españoles y franceses parecen ahora tan interesados, y contentémonos con alcanzar el banal estatus de Estado ante el que ya nadie se ofenda ni se sienta literalmente "tirado de la lengua". Por lo que respecta al castellano... Pues sí, pese a los costes que para mí ha tenido su imposición, yo cada día agradezco a los dioses poder leer a Cervantes, a Gracián o a Quevedo con la naturalidad con la que nunca podré leer a Shakespeare. O poder hablar con los hispanoamericanos con los sobreentendidos y la complicidad que nunca tendré con un norteamericano o un francés. El español, ¡qué gran Lengua! Sólo nos falta que también España pase a ser un gran Estado vecino

I si el voleu llegir sencer el teniu a continuació. Bona vesprada.

Àngel Canet Català (Escriptor del blog:


El español, ¡qué gran Lengua!

EL PAÍS - Opinión - 23-09-2008

Lengua del pueblo y de poetas, lengua de la intimidad y de la plegaria, lengua castiza y entrañable, lengua magnífica... hasta ahí. Hasta ahí habían sobrevivido nuestras lenguas mientras fueron reprimidas y así deberían, para algunos, mantenerse ahora: en conserva, en un recoleto conservatorio. Para rezar o chismorrear bueno era el catalán, pero para la microbiología o para la filosofía, seamos serios, para eso era necesario el castellano. (Hoy este argumento serviría para quienes proponen hacerlo todo directamente en inglés).
En algún lugar, irónicamente, yo argumenté exactamente lo contrario: que se debía rezar y chismorrear en castellano, pero que para la ciencia o la teoría deberíamos usar el catalán. Era el año 1969, de modo que decidí publicar en catalán una tesis doctoral que, ¿cómo no?, tuve que redactar en castellano para poder presentarla. "No es lo mismo conocer la lengua de modo más o menos sobrevenido -dice Savater- que estudiar en ella y aprovechar todos sus recursos expresivos y bibliográficos". ¡Y cuánta razón tiene! Sé bien de la riqueza expresiva y literaria que se tiene cuando se escribe sobre temas culturales en la misma lengua en la que se pedía sopa en casa: cuando la llamada lengua 1 (materna) y la lengua 2 (académica) coinciden. En mi caso no coincidieron y al escribir noto esta carencia. Una carencia que espero no sientan mis hijos de 11 y 12 años, que ya hablan gallego con su madre, catalán conmigo y castellano en la escuela de Santiago. Sólo falta que tengan como asignatura el portugués para que nazcan con "todos los recursos expresivos y bibliográficos" de cuatro lenguas. Pero es curioso: lenguas como la española o la francesa, que hasta ahorita se defendían por su universalismo frente a las lenguas vernáculas, apelan hoy a argumentos particularistas y reclaman la protección política del Estado. ¿Será que ahora, cuando nosotros vamos olvidando estos argumentos y defendemos el catalán en la escuela por razones de "cohesión social", ellos se han vuelto como catalanistas rancios que defienden el castellano o el francés por razones de "cohesión política o cultural"? Así parecía sugerirlo un artículo aparecido en este mismo periódico: "Los españoles no somos tan fuertes como para olvidarnos de esta función política de la lengua. A mi modo de ver no se trata de un prurito nacionalista, sino de una legítima necesidad de los pueblos de permanecer". Sí, han leído ustedes bien: "una legítima necesidad de los pueblos a permanecer". Pero ¿cuáles son esos pueblos y lenguas con tal derecho? Alguien dijo que "una lengua es un dialecto con un Ejército". Menos explícitos y belicosos, algunos españoles que redactan manifiestos parecen entender que "una lengua es un dialecto con Estado". Pues bien, si esto es lo que necesitamos los catalanes para tener también nosotros una lengua, consigamos ese Estado, que lo demás ya nos será dado (y reconocido) por añadidura. A eso nos llevan los propios argumentos de Fernando Savater: "Porque el busilis de la cuestión -nos dice- no es el bilingüismo, desde luego, sino el biestatismo que los nacionalistas pretenden imponer a sus autonomías". Y esto es lo que tácitamente entienden tantos nacionalistas españoles que no se asombraron ni escandalizaron cuando al ir a vivir a Francia tuvieron que aprender francés, italiano en Italia o alemán en Alemania. ¿Y en Catalunya? En Catalunya no, Catalunya es otra cosa. Ahora que los funcionarios españoles tienen que aprender lenguas europeas para trabajar en la Comunidad, sigue pareciéndoles un agravio o un atentado a sus derechos adquiridos el que aquí, en Catalunya, deban aprender el catalán. "Pues nada, consigamos que no lo sientan como un agravio; seamos un vulgar Estado más". Esto es lo que pueden ir pensando muchos catalanes -no necesariamente nacionalistas- al comprobar que no les queda otra si no quieren inquietar o irritar a los españoles cuando reclaman los derechos y medios indispensables para enfrentar desde la inmigración hasta la educación y la cohesión del país. ¿Que si somos una nación? Dejémosles a ellos estos discursos esencialistas, en el que españoles y franceses parecen ahora tan interesados, y contentémonos con alcanzar el banal estatus de Estado ante el que ya nadie se ofenda ni se sienta literalmente "tirado de la lengua". Por lo que respecta al castellano... Pues sí, pese a los costes que para mí ha tenido su imposición, yo cada día agradezco a los dioses poder leer a Cervantes, a Gracián o a Quevedo con la naturalidad con la que nunca podré leer a Shakespeare. O poder hablar con los hispanoamericanos con los sobreentendidos y la complicidad que nunca tendré con un norteamericano o un francés. El español, ¡qué gran Lengua! Sólo nos falta que también España pase a ser un gran Estado vecino.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Civil rights Robert Kennedy and civil rights.

Civil rights

Robert Kennedy expressed the Administration's commitment to civil rights during a 1961 speech at the University of Georgia Law School: "We will not stand by or be aloof. We will move. I happen to believe that the 1954 Supreme Court school desegregation decision was right. But my belief does not matter. It is the law. Some of you may believe the decision was wrong. That does not matter. It is the law."

In 1961, Attorney General Robert Kennedy authorized the FBI in a written directive to wiretap civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr under the auspice of concern that communists were involved in the Civil Rights Movement. The wire tapping continued through 1967. No evidence of Communist activity or influence was uncovered. Kennedy remained committed to civil rights enforcement to such a degree that he commented, in 1962, that it seemed to envelop almost every area of his public and private life—from prosecuting corrupt southern electoral officials to answering late night calls from Mrs. King concerning the imprisonment of her husband for demonstrations in Alabama. During his tenure as Attorney General he undertook the most energetic and persistent desegregation of the administration that Capitol Hill had ever experienced. He demanded that every area of government begin recruiting realistic levels of black and other ethnic workers, going so far as to criticize Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson for his failure to desegregate his own office staff.

Although it has become commonplace to assert the phrase "The Kennedy Administration" or even, "President Kennedy" when discussing the legislative and executive support of the civil rights movement, between 1960 and 1963, a great many of the initiatives that occurred during President Kennedy's tenure were as a result of the passion and determination of an emboldened Robert Kennedy, who through his rapid education in the realities of Southern racism, underwent a thorough conversion of purpose as Attorney General. Asked in an interview in May 1962, "What do you see as the big problem ahead for you, is it Crime or Internal Security?" Robert Kennedy replied, "Civil Rights."[8] The President came to share his brother's sense of urgency on the matters at hand to such an extent that it was at the Attorney General's insistence that he made his famous address to the nation.[9]

During the attack and burning, by a vast white mob, of the First Baptist Church in Montgomery Alabama, at which Martin Luther King, Jr. was in attendance with protesters, the Attorney General telephoned King to ask his assurance that they would not leave the building until the U.S. Marshals and National Guard had secured the area. King proceeded to berate Kennedy for "allowing the situation to continue". King later publicly thanked Robert Kennedy for his commanding of the force dispatched to break up an attack that might otherwise have ended King's life. The relationship between the two men was to undergo great change over the years that they would know each other—from a position of mutual suspicion to one of shared aspirations. For King, Robert Kennedy initially represented the "softly softly" approach that in former years had disabled the movement of blacks against oppression in the U.S. For Robert Kennedy, King initially represented what was then considered the unrealistic militancy that many in the white-liberal camp had regarded as the cause of so little governmental progress.

In September 1962, he sent U.S. Marshals and troops to Oxford, Mississippi, to enforce a federal court order admitting the first African American student, James Meredith, to the University of Mississippi. Riots ensued during the period of Meredith's admittance, which resulted in hundreds of injuries and two deaths. Yet Kennedy remained adamant concerning the rights of black students to enjoy the benefits of all levels of the educational system. The Office of Civil Rights also hired its first African-American lawyer and began to work cautiously with leaders of the civil rights movement. Robert Kennedy saw voting as the key to racial justice, and collaborated with Presidents Kennedy and Johnson to create the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, which helped bring an end to Jim Crow laws.

He was to maintain his commitment to racial equality into his own presidential campaign, extending his firm sense of social justice to all areas of national life and into matters of foreign and economic policy. At Ball State University, Kennedy was to question the student body as to what kind of life America wished for herself; whether privileged Americans had earned the great luxury they enjoyed and whether such Americans had an obligation to those, in U.S. society and across the world, who had so little by comparison.

Responding to allegations that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a communist whose close confidants were insurrectionists, Kennedy, as Attorney General, issued written approvals to the FBI in order for the Bureau to track and eavesdrop on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, King's civil rights organization. The source of the original allegations was none other than J. Edgar Hoover, who had a burning hatred for King, whom he viewed as an upstart troublemaker. Although Kennedy only gave written approval for limited wiretapping, the Bureau, as was common under Hoover's leadership, extended the clearance to encompass whichever areas of King's life they deemed worthy of examination—without Kennedy's knowledge.

After the assassination of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy undertook a 1966 tour of South Africa in which he championed the cause of the anti-Apartheid movement. The tour was greeted with international praise at a time when few politicians dared to entangle themselves in the politics of South Africa. Kennedy spoke out against the oppression of the native population and was welcomed by the black population as though a visiting head of state. In an interview with Look Magazine he had this to say:

"At the University of Natal in Durban, I was told the church to which most of the white population belongs teaches apartheid as a moral necessity. A questioner declared that few churches allow black Africans to pray with the white because the Bible says that is the way it should be, because God created Negroes to serve. 'But suppose God is black', I replied. 'What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?' There was no answer. Only silence."[10]

In South Africa a group of foreign press representatives chartered an aircraft, after the National Union of South African Students failed to make sufficient travel arrangements. Kennedy not only accommodated a suspected Special Branch policeman on board, but took with good grace the discovery that the aircraft had once belonged to Fidel Castro.[11]


EFC | dissabte, 7 de juny de 2008 | 23:35h


"No faig sacrificis. Podria dir que és l'única vida que, en opinió meva, mereix ser meva raó de viure. Si em pregunta si m'agradaria veure a un o a tots els meus fills dedicats a la política, la resposta seria "si". No faré res per influir sobre ells o coaccionar-los, però estaria content de que fos així. La política pot fer mal, però hi han moltes altres maneres de patir la vida. Per tant, no té molta importància patir en aquest terreny".
Si el seu germà gran va aconseguir ser elegit president dels EUA va ser, en gran part, degut a la tenacitat i capacitat de treball -vint hores diàries- com a cap de la campanya electoral més extraordinària de la política nord-americana. Aquí va ser on Robert Kennedy va començar, de veritat, a donar suport a les aspiracions i ideals polítics de JFK i del partit demòcrata. Suport que es mantindria fins al final, quan el president va ser assassinat l'any 1963. Van iniciar un canvi profund, valent i arriscat de les estructures rovellades i terriblement injustes de la societat nord-americana dels anys seixanta. Vuit anys de govern del president Eisenhower -el general que va dirigir el desem-
barc aliat a Normandia- considerat un heroi i que els republicans van empen-
tejar cap a les presidencials- varen deixar una nació passiva i endormiscada davant greus problemes tant als EUA -recessió, escalada de l'intransigència i violència racial, augment del crim organitzat i de la pobresa-, com al món
-guerra freda amb amenaça d'una tercera guerra mundial, proliferació de les
dictadures militars, fam-.
Com a fiscal general dels EUA, Robert Kennedy, va treballar durament per el respecte i compliment de les lleis dels EUA; de les elaborades per l'Administració Kennedy i aprovades per el Congrès així com, per damunt de
tot, el treball constant per la pau. Diàleg amb l'Unió Soviètica. Tractat contra
les proves i de l'armament nuclear. Aconseguir la retirada de l'armament soviètic a Cuba mitjançant un bloqueix naval; el Pentàgon i la CIA pretenien bombardejar Cuba per sorpresa. Fundació de l'Aliança per el Progrès, per tal d'ajudar als països pobres, i del Cos de la Pau...Robert Kennedy era un home d'una extraordinària humanitat. Mai va ser persona orgullosa, d'una gran capacitat emocional, però, amb una notable brusquetat davant la injustícia social i de l'incompliment del deure. Bon pare de familia, afectuós amb la seva esposa -mare de nou fills- es van estimar molt...
Robert Kennedy va ser fidel fins a les últimes conseqüències amb el programa de l'Administració Kennedy. Això el va portar a durs enfrontaments amb la màfia i els gànsters del crim organitzat. Va aconseguir que alguns caps mafiosos fossin repatriats als països d'origen. Desprès de sis anys d'investigacions i judicis va aconseguir fer engarjolar a Jimmy Hofa, president del totpoderós sindicat de camioners, acusat de corrupció. També i com a fiscal general va tenir constants batalles davant els abusos del magnats del petroli -amb prou feines pagaven impostos i a més volien gaudir de subven-
cions estatals-; els de l'acer - van incomplir l'acord de no augmentar els preus- i contra els abusos de les grans automobilístiques que es negaven a indemnitzar per greus accidents degut a provades deficiències en els cotxes. Defensor acèrrim, igual que el president, de la marxa progressiva del Vietnam, no es va guanyar la simpatia del sector més dur, carca i rancuniós del Pentàgon i la CIA.
Bob Kennedy va ser tirotejat el 5 de juny del 1968 a l'hotel Ambassador, Los Ángeles, quan acabava d'anunciar la victòria a les primàries del partit demòcrata a Califòrnia. Va lluitar contra la mort durant 24 hores. Va morir el 6 de juny, tenia 42 anys. El seu germà petit, el senador Edward Kennedy, va dir en els funerals per Bob: "No és necessari idealitzar ni exaltar al meu germà desprès de mort, més del que ho va ser-ho en vida. L'hauriem de recordar simplement com un home bo i decent que va veure el mal i va intentar reparar-lo; que va veure el sofriment i va intentar guarir-lo, que va veure la guerra i va intentar parar-la."
Robert Kennedy va ser assassinat a causa d'un complot polític i militar. El mateix que va fer assassinar al president John F. Kennedy i al pastor i Premi Nobel de la Pau, Martin Luther King. En nom de la democràcia, la pau ,la llibertat i el bon nom de la justícia dels Estats Units d'Amèrica fa més de 40 anys que els ciutadans del món esperem la resposta veritable, clara i convincent per part del govern americà. I també de la gran premsa cobarda que va callar i consentir.



Friday, September 12, 2008

11 September, The National Day of Catalonia

11 September, The National Day of Catalonia

On 11 September Catalonia commemorates the defeat it suffered at the hands of the Spanish troops of Felipe V of Bourbon in 1714. Catalonia, which had been a sovereign nation up to that point, lost its national rights and liberties, with its own laws abolished and Catalan language and culture banned.

After many years of darkness, in 1932, under the II Spanish Republic, Catalonia acquired a Statute of Autonomy which recovered some of its national rights. However, after the Civil War, the Franco dictatorship brought with it the toughest repression that Catalonia had ever endured, to a point that could be described as attempted cultural genocide. Thousands and thousands of people suffered retaliation and may were shot. These even included the President of the Government of Catalonia, Lluís Companys, the only European president executed under Nazism-fascism.

In 1979 the new Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia was approved, giving the country its own institutions and government, but to date a satisfactory level of self-government has still not been attained.

Celebrating the National Day as Civil Society

Every 11 September, many Catalans continue to demonstrate in the streets to demand recognition of our national rights and liberties and a greater degree of self-government.

The Festival for National Rights and Liberties is organised as a political event of Catalan civil society, to celebrate the National Day in a festive way yet as a protest. We want to make this celebration a political event of affirmation and national demands, in an open and participatory way. For this reason, since the year 2000, around two hundred institutions from Catalan civil society have staged an event that includes an exhibition of these organisations, the reading of a manifesto that has the support of all the organisations involved and finally a music concert to round off the celebration.

We want to share this festive protest with all the people who live in Catalonia, whatever their place of origin. Only if we attain greater capacity to decide what we want our country to be like in the future can we construct a nation that is fair, pluralistic, caring, integrationist and sustainable.



L’11 septembre, Journée nationale de Catalogne

L’Onze septembre, la Catalogne commémore la défaite qu’elle a subi en 1714 face aux armées espagnoles de Philippe V de Bourbon. La Catalogne, qui jusqu’à ce moment-là avait été une nation souveraine, a perdu ses libertés nationales, les lois propres du pays et a subi l’interdiction de la langue et de la culture catalanes.

Après des années d’obscurité, en 1932, dans le cadre de la II République espagnole, la Catalogne a obtenu un Statut d’autonomie que récupérait une partie de ses libertés nationales. Mais, après la Guerre Civile, la dictature du général Franco a entraîné la répression la plus dure que jamais la Catalogne n’avait pas subi, jusqu’au point que l’on peut parler de tentative de génocide culturel, avec des milliers et milliers de personnes fusillées et objet de représailles. Même, parmi elles, on trouve le président du Gouvernement de la Catalogne, Lluís Companys, le seul président européen fusillé par le nazisme-fascisme.

En 1979 un nouvel Statut d’autonomie de Catalogne a été approuvé, avec lequel le pays a été doté des institutions et d’un gouvernement propres, même si depuis lors on n’a pas encore obtenu un niveau d’autogouvernement satisfaisant.

On commémore la Journée dès la société civile

Tous les 11 septembre, beaucoup de catalans et de catalanes continuons à nous manifester dans les rues pour réclamer la reconnaissance de nos droits nationaux et un autogouvernement plus plein.

La Fête de la Liberté est configurée comme un acte politique de la société catalane, pour fêter la Journée d’une manière joyeuse mais à la fois revendicative. Nous désirons faire de cette fête un acte politique d’affirmation et de revendication nationale, d’une manière ouverte et participative. C’est pourquoi, dès l’année 2000 quelque deux cents associations de la société civile catalane organisent un acte qui comprend une présentation d’associations, la lecture d’un manifeste qui jouit du support des associations et un concert de musique pour clore la fête.
Nous désirons partager cette revendication avec toutes les personnes vivant en Catalogne, quel que soit le pays d’où elles viennent. Seulement si nous avons plus de capacité pour décider comment voulons-nous que notre pays soit-il, nous pourrons le construire plus juste, pluriel, solidaire, intégrateur et soutenable.



11 de Setembre, Diada Nacional de Catalunya

L’Onze de Setembre Catalunya conmemora la derrota infligida por las tropas españolas de Felipe V de Borbón el año 1714. Catalunya, que hasta entonces había sido una nación soberana, perdió las libertades nacionales, las leyes propias del país y sufrió la prohibición de la lengua y la cultura catalanas.

Tras años de oscuridad, en 1932, en el marco de la II República española, Catalunya adquirió un Estatuto de autonomía que recuperaba una parte de sus libertades nacionales. Pero después de la Guerra Civil, la dictadura del general Franco comportó la represión más dura que jamás haya sufrido Catalunya, hasta tal punto que podemos hablar de un intento de genocidio cultural, con miles de fusilados y represaliados. Entre ellos se encuentra hasta el presidente del Gobierno de Catalunya, Lluís Companys, el único presidente europeo fusilado por el nazismo-fascismo.

En 1979 fue aprobado un nuevo Estatuto de autonomía de Catalunya, con el cual se dotó al país de unas instituciones y de un gobierno propio, pero aún no se ha logrado un nivel de autogobierno satisfactorio.

Celebramos la Diada desde la sociedad civil

Cada 11 de septiembre muchos catalanes y catalanas seguimos manifestándonos por las calles para reclamar el reconocimiento de nuestros derechos nacionales y más autogobierno.

La Festa per la Llibertat se configura como un acto político de la sociedad civil catalana para celebrar la Diada de una manera festiva y, a la vez, reivindicativa. Queremos que esta celebración sea un acto público de afirmación y reivindicación nacional, de forma abierta y participativa. Por este motivo, desde el año 2000, unas doscientas entidades de la sociedad civil catalana celebramos un acto que incluye una muestra de entidades, la lectura de un manifiesto que cuenta con el apoyo de las entidades y un concierto de música que cierra la celebración.

Queremos compartir esta reivindicación con todas las personas que viven en Catalunya, vengan de donde vengan. Sólo si tenemos más capacidad para decidir cómo queremos que sea nuestro país, podremos construirlo más justo, plural, solidario, integrador y sostenible.

Què és la diada?

Consulteu totes les novetats de la Festa per la llibertat a

L’Onze de Setembre Catalunya commemora la derrota que va patir el 1714 a mans de les tropes espanyoles de Felip V de Borbó. Catalunya, que havia estat fins aquell moment una nació sobirana, va perdre les llibertats nacionals, les lleis pròpies del país i va patir la prohibició de la llengua i la cultura catalanes.

Després d'anys de foscor, el 1932, en el marc de la II República espanyola, Catalunya va adquirir un Estatut d’autonomia que recuperava part de les seves llibertats nacionals. Però després de la Guerra Civil, la dictadura del general Franco va comportar la repressió més dura que mai ha patit Catalunya, fins al punt que podem parlar d’un intent de genocidi cultural, amb milers i milers d’afusellats i represaliats. Fins i tot entre ells s'hi compta el president del Govern de Catalunya, Lluís Companys, l'únic president europeu afusellat pel nazisme-feixisme.

El 1979 es va aprovar un nou Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya, amb el qual es va dotar el país d’unes institucions i d’un govern propis, però des de llavors encara no s’ha assolit un nivell d'autogovern satisfactori.

Celebrem la Diada des de la societat civil

Cada 11 de setembre molts catalans i catalanes continuem manifestant-nos pels carrers per reclamar el reconeixement dels nostres drets nacionals i més autogovern.

La Festa per la Llibertat es configura com un acte polític de la societat civil catalana, per celebrar la Diada de manera festiva i alhora reivindicativa. Volem fer d’aquesta celebració un acte polític d’afirmació i reivindicació nacional, de forma oberta i participativa. Per aquest motiu, des de l’any 2000 unes dues-centes entitats de la societat civil catalana celebrem un acte que comprèn una mostra d’entitats, la lectura d’un manifest que compta amb el suport de les entitats i un concert de música que clou la celebració.

Volem compartir aquesta reivindicació amb totes les persones que viuen a Catalunya, vinguin d’on vinguin. Només si tenim més capacitat per decidir com volem que sigui el nostre país podrem construir-lo més just, plural, solidari, integrador i sostenible.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Europa en peligro! : El nuevo "Chernobyl" las nucleares en Catalunya.

Urgente: Un incendio en un generador eléctrico obliga a parar la central nuclear Vandellòs 2
Se ha activado el Plan de Emergencia Nuclear de Tarragona (PENTA), en su fase de Emergencia Interior.


El Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear recomienda activar el Plan de Emergencia Nuclear de Tarragona

Un incendio en un generador eléctrico ha obligado a parar esta mañana Vandellòs 2, según han informado responsables de la central al Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN).

El fuego, ya extinguido, "no ha tenido impacto alguno sobre los trabajadores o el medio ambiente", según el titular de la central, que en estos momentos se encuentra "parada y estable".

El titular de la central ha añadido que "todos los sistemas de seguridad de la instalación han actuado según lo previsto y no se han visto afectados por el incendio".

El fuego se ha iniciado a las 8.49 horas y ha quedado completamente extinguido a las 10.30 horas por los bomberos de la central.

Declaración de prealerta

El incidente ha hecho activar la declaración de prealerta de emergencia del Plan de Emergencia Interior (PEI). Además, el CSN ha recomendado activar el Plan de Emergencia Nuclear de Tarragona (PENTA) en situación '0', mientras se mantiene en contacto con la Subdelegación del Gobierno en Tarragona.

Por su parte, Greenpeace ha emitido un comunicado tras detectar una columna de humo en el que pide que se retire a la asociación nuclear Ascó-Vandellòs (ANAV) el permiso de explotación de las centrales que gestiona Ascó 1, Ascó 2 y Vandellòs 2.

Más información:
Ciencia y Tecnología
Izquierda a debate
Països Catalans


Incendio en la sala de turbinas de la central nuclear Vandellós-2
Han tenido que actuar los bomberos de la Generalitat
24 agosto 2008

España — - Se ha tenido de activar el Plan de Emergencia Nuclear de Tarragona (PENTA)

El Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear sigue sin informar de ello en su página web
Esta misma mañana, sobre las 10:00h, una gran columna de humo procedente de la central nuclear de Vandellós-2, en Tarragona, desvelaba la existencia de un importante incendio. Se estaba incendiando la sala de turbinas de la central.

La columna de humo alertó a los bomberos de la Generalitat que, como se ha podido comprobar in situ, se trasladaron a la central a apagar el incendio. Greenpeace aún no conoce el motivo que ha originado el fuego.

Se ha tendio que activar el Plan de Emergencia Nuclear de Tarragona (PENTA), en su fase de Emergencia Interior.

Greenpeace y Ecologistes en Acció insisten en que es necesario retirar a la asociación nuclear Ascó-Vandellós (ANAV) el permiso de explotación de las centrales que gestiona (Ascó-1, Ascó-2 y Vandellós-2) y paralizar cautelarmente su funcionamiento ante el cúmulo de accidentes que tienen y la irresponsabilidad en la gestión de los mismos.

Dado que el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear sigue sin informar de ello en su pagina web, se desconocen los detalles del origen del incendio, y la situación en el interior de la central, etc.

Noticias relacionadas

Ridículas sanciones del CSN a Ascó

El Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) ha propuesto al Ministerio de Industria la imposición de cuatro sanciones graves y de dos leves a los explotadores de la central nuclear de Ascó (Tarragona).

[20-8-2008] | 168 lecturas
Ecologistas en Acción reclama al CSN mayor rigor frente a Ascó

Ecologistas en Acción Campo Arañuelo | Las sanciones propuestas por el CSN al Ministerio de Industria no resultan disuasorias para evitar hechos similares a los acontecidos.


Durant aquest 2008 les centrals nuclears instal·lades a Catalunya ja acumulen el 64'5% dels successos notificables de tot l'Estat.

Coordinadora Anticementiri Nuclear de Catalunya

Denuncia que els ex-directors d’Ascó i Vandellòs II, cessats pels incidents de la fuita radioactiva (2007-2008) i la corrosió dels sistemes de refrigeració (2005) respectivament, continuen treballant a les centrals nuclears.


La fuga radiactiva de Ascó deja en evidencia la falta de controles
Martxelo Díaz | GaraLos controles de seguridad existentes en el Estado español dejan bastante que desear, hasta el punto de que durante seis meses no se informó de la existencia del accidente.


Sobre el caso Ascó: "el accidente que hoy es noticia no es una excepción"
Ecologistas en Acción Extremadura | Para Kaos en la RedPosición de Ecologistas en Acción Extremadura y la Plataforma Antinuclear Cerrar Almaraz. F. Gonzáles aseguró ayer en Mérida que hay "poca reflexión en serío" sobre la energía nuclear.


Destituido el director de la central Nuclear de Ascó (Tarragona) por ocultar que el vertido nuclear al que se vieron sometidas más de 700 personas.

Kaos. Ecología | EiTB y TerraColegio Girona que visitó nuclear exigirá que alumnos sean sometidos revisión


El CSN reclasifica el suceso de la Central Nuclear de Ascó a nivel 2

El Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) ha decidido reclasificar el suceso notificado el pasado día 4 de abril por Ascó (Tarragona) del nivel 1 provisional en la Escala Internacional de Sucesos Nucleares (INES) a nivel 2 por inadecuado control del material radiactivo y por proporcionar información incompleta y deficiente al organismo regulador.


Da miedo de verdad pensar que la gente que permiten el caos de Renfe puedan dirigir una Central Nuclear. Más que miedo da terror y esto Europa la debe saber.

Salvador Molins (BIC)


Saturday, August 30, 2008



September 2006
Reading previous chapters will make this one better understood.

Have you ever wondered what the red hand on the flag of northern Ireland refers to, being placed over the "star of David" as it is? The origin is deliberately kept from us, for it is a near-perfect match with the hand on the flag of Abkhazia.

Who-what-where? Abkhazia, in north Caucasia, of ancient Georgia...Colchis to be exact. There are various theories on the origin of Ireland's red hand, and the one I chose before knowing about the red hand of Abkhazia was this one: "The story of the Red Hand of Ulster reputedly dates to the arrival of Heremon, Heber and Ir - sons of King Milesius of Spain" ( ).

I view "Heber" as a mythical term, even as Milesius is known to be a mythical term to denote the city of Miletus. Could "Heremon" depict the Arameans, since the Kabala was an Aramean-Hebrew mix? Does "Ir" refer to Ur of the Chaldeans/Khaldi? What is clear is that Heber, in depicting the Iberians of Spain, depicts Iberians of Miletus. One needs only to find how Iberians of Caucasia came to live in Miletus, and the red-hand link back to Abkhazia is the magic key that Irish and Scot Freemasons do not want us to know.

Take a look at a expandable map (3.5 megabytes) of the Abkhazia region and see Iberia smack next to it. And note Gogarene (also "Gugark") in southern doubt the seat of Gog in Ezekiel's day, when they were rulers of the Rosh. As you can see, Gogarene is situated next to Kokhia, which is itself next to Kakhia, all within Iberian realms in this pre-Christian map. The Gog-Hebrew alliance that I have been insinuating throughout this book is thereby made feasible. "Kokhia" evokes the eggs of Leda, her children, that is, especially Helen of Troy and Pollux (I think Helen was Helenus, the Geloni Hebrews of Epirus).

This is the dragon, even the root of Biblical dragon. However, keep in mind my belief, that while this alliance connects to the Roman dragon of Revelation, a non-Roman branch will become the end-time anti-Christ/Gog. The Roman branch refers to the Harlot of Revelation 17 that will ride on Gog's back; she is from the dragon cult of Babylon and, in short, is identified by me as the entire statue of Daniel 2. Her blood moves south from Caucasia into Mesopotamia, becomes the Babylonian ruler, Nebuchadnezzar, then the Medes and Greeks, and finally the Sabina Patricians that mixed with Romans and Latins in furnishing Julius Caesar. I suspect that St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, is just this Patrician portion of the Harlot, to be distinguished only slightly from the George branch coming to Britain as the Lothians. Note that "patron" (father) is the root of "Patrician."

On the map of Abkhazia, T'bilisi (a city known to be named after Tubal) would be on the river very close to (just south of) Mtskheta, the latter now in Kartli province and once the capital of the Iberians. While Kartli and Iberia were located in the same geography, the two must be distinguished as peoples. The Kartli trace themselves to the god, Kartlos, son of Togarmah ("Thorgom" in Armenian and "Thargamos" in Georgian, says Wikipedia).

While others don't agree, I would insist that the Iberians were Hebrews, for in this way the bed of the Hebrew-Gogi and/or Hebrew-Rus mix that I identify as the dragon line of the Greco-Trojan theater is neatly exposed. The Tubali peoples are yet a third group, neither Hebrew nor Togarmite (Tubal was Gomer's brother, and Gomer was Togarmah's father). I envision all three living together in a Gogi empire, without borders, and together becoming the Khazars proper.

The Aras river (unmarked), where the Rosh lived, is seen south of Gogarene. The lake seen under "Gogharena" is Sevan (anciently "Gegham" sea), what I think was named after Sheba, and therefore after the founders of Subartu, even the Molech-worshiping Sepharvites. Today, the eastern region of Abkhazia is Svaneti, the root of which certainly looks like "Sevan." Then read this:

"The iconic image of [Sabazios] on horseback battling the chthonic serpent, on which his horse tramples, appears on Celtic votive columns, and with the coming of Christianity it was easily transformed into the image of Saint George and the dragon."

It can't be a coincidence that Albania can be seen on the map snack nest to Iberia (i.e. surely various peoples of Britain were from this region). But there's more. The city on the Abkhazia coast which on the map is marked, "Dioscurius" (named after Pollux and Castor, sons of Leda i.e. the Ladon dragon peoples), was the most-remote settlement of the Miletians. The reality is now obvious, that the peoples of this city and region were the proto-Irish, in that the Irish and Scots to this day claim that Heber and Milesius were their Scythian ancestors from Miletus. That is, certain Iberi of Abkhazia moved to Miletus because Miletus had a colony in their region, and then they sailed off to Spain to become the Iberians there. And that's how the so-called "Sephardic Jews" (Sepharvites from Sevan, I'm now more sure than ever) find themselves in Spain to this day. A common theory is that this Georgian region was root also to the mysterious Basques (of Spain).

It seems certain that among these peoples the "star of David" was created (i.e. wherefore it appears on the Ulster flag). Remember, the Templars, when they sought to conquer Jerusalem, used the Galilean city of Sepphoris as their station (and in fact they claim that Jesus was born there -- it figures), this serving as evidence for a Sepharvite ancestry of the core Templars. It may even be that Galilee took it's name after the Galli-branch Kabalists...who may have founded Sepphoris. Realizing that it was these peoples who became the Thracian dragon and the Kabala of Phrygia, note "the Gali district of eastern Abkhazia."

Gali is a town associated with the Margaluri (also "Megralian") language, which evokes ancient Margiana (capital, Mari/Mary), the region in Aryan Afghan that I think is the basis of the Merovingian-Mary cult. "Megrelian is one of the South Caucasian or Kartvelian languages. It is closely related to Laz, from which it has differentiated mostly in the last 500 years."

On this map of Lazica (small file), one can see that the nation covered what was exactly Abkhazia. It is this (proto-Khazar?) peoples that I would peg as the founders of the Latins. I think it's established in the minds of many that both "Czar" was a cognate of "Khazar," but, then, where did the earlier term, "Caesar," come from, if not from a Khazar-like term? The mythical "Circe" from whom Latinus (symbol of Latins) was made descended, being viewed as a "wife" of Helios by myth writers, should prove to correspond to "Gorgon/Georgia." Abkhazia's ancient region of what is now Gali may have furnished "Heli(os)."

In the statement, "Strabo identifies the tribe of Halysones with the ancient west-Georgian (Colchian) tribe of Halybes (or Khalib/Khaldi)" (brackets not mine), one may also tie Helios to the Halysones and thereby to the city/people of Ialysos on Rhodes (the island of Helios). In this way, the Redone Gauls may connect back to the Georgian Gali. While this term may be the earliest form of "Gaul" ("Gali" to the Romans), "Khaldi" may be viewed as the earliest form of "Celt." To thus connect the Celts/Gauls to Gog and/or Rosh/Tubal/Meshech is indeed feasible.

The entire north border of Lithuania is Latvia; two of Latvia's major people groups were the Latgali and Zemgali. Note the sun god on Latvia's Arms. Is the azure blue in the background of the sun really the sky, or does it depict the Laz Caucasians? Note also the red and white colors associated with the red lion and silver griffin, as these are the colors of the Rus red and white dragons. Belarus (White Russia) is situated smack next to Lithuania.

I would identify the Irish "Conn" terms as stemming from Laz elements in that "Chan" is actually an alternative to this day of the Laz peoples!! As I root the Laz peoples in Afghanistan, I would even suggest that the "Chani" term furnished Af-Ghani. I would of course identify the Chani as the cohens/kagans of Georgia, and therefore trace the various Cohen branches (including the Stewarts) of Europe back to these Ladon-dragon peoples. In that I tied the Picts to Molech, the cult of the cohens I must presume, behold that the Afghans, known earlier as the Pushtans, were quite possibly descended from the same stalk that furnished the Picts:

The Greek historian Herodotus first mentioned a people called Pactyan living on the eastern frontier of the Persian Satrapy Arachosia as early as the 1st millennium BCE...

In addition, the Rig-Veda mentions a tribe called the Pakthas (in the region of Pakhat) as inhabiting present-day Afghanistan..."

The "Pactyan" version evokes the Pictones, and the "Pakthas" evokes the mythical Pictus. In fact, Poseidon is also evoked when we see that it was likely one or both of the terms above that modified to "Pushtan." Not only did the Pushtan (Aryans, by the way) have a Freemasonic-like religion adhering to the Mosaic Law, but "according to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the Theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites is traced to Maghzan-e-Afghani who compiled a history..." However, DNA studies does not find Israelite roots in the Pashtun, and this supports my suspicion, that they go back to the earliest dragon-line root of Hebrews of Chaldea/Khaldi. I should mention here that the Pictones founded Poitiers of Poitou province (France), which may root back to Poti/Phasis of Georgia.

In that the Basques are rooted back to Caucasia, I'll suggest a logical hypothetical, that they were the Pactyan removed to Caucasia...for the reason given in this question: "Were [Picts] descendants of the ancient Basque people of northern Spain once known to Rome as Pictones"?

But even if the Pactyan were not proto-Basque Caucasians, the Picts can yet trace to Caucasia as per Basque origins there. Those who dismiss Basque origins in Caucasia trace them to north Africa, and yet both positions can be true since these particular Caucasians came to the west over north Africa. Aside from known Basque connection to the Iberi, the following statement seems highly enlightening in connecting to the Iberi of Ireland: "The earliest record we have of the word 'Pict' describing a group of people in Britain comes from a poem by Eumenius dated A.D. 297, which mentions the 'Picti' along with the 'Hiberni'" ( ).

Upon seeking the linguistic root of the Basques, I learned that "Eusk" is more accurately their name. From the latter came "Gascon(y)," and with that version "Cossack" came to mind, a peoples north of the Black sea. There may or may not be anything to this, and I should also mention that the Kosack-family Coat uses a "star of David" and a crescent.

Nergal, the fire-god of the Cutha (Kabala of Akkadia), married the mythical Laz, showing that Nergal had also been in Caucasia. Caucasian Nergal (Ner-Gali?) must have depicted the Georgian Iberi allied to Aryan peoples of Georgia. As Nergal had Ereshkigal as a wife, it suggests an alliance with the Hrosh, exactly what I have been claiming all along, that the dragon bloodline is Hebrew-Rus.

Nergal was symbolized with a lion, wherefore it is now clearer in my mind that the Cutha contributed in becoming the Lydian lion, the Latin/Roman lion, and finally the lion of Britain. This suggests that the British lion originated in the peoples who named Lothian, the god Lot. Surely, Nergal's other "wife," Laz, migrated her winding way with him through Lydia, north Africa, then western/Latin Italy to Britain, to become the Lothians. They didn't stop there, but landed also in Norway as the god, Nor, which indeed evokes Nergal. I won't repeat here that I'm viewing these Atlanteans with one eye largely as Nahorite Hebrews.

As the Cruithne came from Ireland to Scotland via the extreme north, the Hebride islands off the north-east Scotland come irresistibly to mind as Iberi strongholds. One of the Cruithne tribes was "Cat/Cait," which named Caithness (website below). Because another Cruithne tribe was Fife, as far south as the Firth of Forth, the Cruithne kingdom was identical to Pict realms. Yet the two peoples should be distinguished to some degree, even if two tribes of the same stock.

Both Megralian and Laz languages are placed under the Zan umbrella, a term that may have been connected to the mysterious god, Sandon, who was himself depicted as a lion. Sandon and Hercules were made identical perhaps for the reason that the peoples depicted by them both were Hros of the Araxes (alternative for "Aras") river. But as Sandon was worshiped as a lion in Cilicia, where the Cati lived -- in Khassi of Cilicia to be exact -- it certainly evokes the Nergal Cutha and the AbKhazi. The same Sandon was also worshipped in Lydia, fully expected if the Laz furnished Lydians.

In keeping with my view of Liguria as the settlement of the Gogi (technically, the Greek Caucones depicted by "Cycnus"), Wikipedia claims (website below) that the language of Genoa (a chief Ligurian city) is called "Zeneize or Zena," a term that may trace to the Zan language group of the Lazi. I want to add here that Lorri (a fellow dragon-line hunter) suggested that "cycnus/cygnus" might be a variation of "kagen." I can't recall if that equation ever occurred to me, but if it didn't, shame on me for not seeing it.

The Abkhazi call themselves, "Apsua/Apsny," where per chance the root refers to the Apollo-line Opis peoples (Avvites of the Tigris river that became the Iberi/Avars ). Note the alternative "Adygey" term in the following quote that evokes the Tigris river (anciently the Idigna/Idigina) and therefore the Togarmites there: "According to Georgian scholars, the Abkhaz are the descendants of North Caucasian tribes (Adygey, Apsua), who migrated to Abkhazia from the north of the Caucasus Mountains and merged there with the existing Georgian population."

As the Khazar kings were called "bek/beg," could "Abkhazia" have been A-Bekhazia, and then afterward shortened to "Khazaro"? Note Bekhyria on the map of Abkhazia. As Batumi was a city in this region, perhaps the Catti tribe of Batavi, near Rotterdam (Holland), were just from these Georgians. If you realize as I do that the Catuvellauni were Catti from Wallonia (Belgium), and if you realize that this region was named after the Geloni, you might agree with me that Holland was named after the same Geloni. Then, if you agree with me that the colors of Wallonia (and other parts of Belgium and Holland) were made red and gold because they were of the Baux branch of Cohens, perhaps you will have more reason to consider a root in Bekhyria. Recall that the Batavi lived exactly where lived the Salians...that became the Merovingians and Hohens.

There is a "Bat" language-classification of Georgia. If the Rhine-river Batavi of were from Bekhyria's Bat peoples, then the latter must have been Catti as much as were the Batavi. As I explained earlier in this chapter, the founders of Lothian and Bute were the Calydonians/Argonauts. Look at what I wrote recently in my Code of Arms chapter:

"The Welsh Budes moreover use a gold seven-pointed star (don't know the significance of seven points)."

I now find that Adzharia/Ajaria has Batumi for its capital while the flag of Adjaria uses seven-pointed gold stars. The modern flag of Adjaria is not the same, but you can find the flag with seven seven-pointed stars at

Not far north of Batumi was the port city of Phasis (modern Poti), and up the Phasis river many miles -- 25 miles past Vani -- was located Aea, the location of the golden fleece, a city also called Kutaisa (as it is to this day). If in the latter we modify the hard "K" to "Hetaisa," we fairly cleanly derive the mythical "Aeetes," ruler of Aea and possessor of the fleece before the Argonauts "killed" him and took it away. Because it's known that the Laz peoples took over Colchis after the Colchians depicted by Aeetes went down, might not the Argonauts have been Laz peoples in Greece come to free fellow Laz peoples under Aeetes' grip? Might not the fleece itself have depicted Laz Greeks (I'm thinking Peneus/Daphne), in other words, that fled to Aeetes only to fall under his wrath at some point? Daphne was made the daughter of Ladon in some myth version(s), though in other versions she was the daughter of Peneus (the Peneus and Ladon rivers were side-by-side in Elis).

The Scottish Lothian-family Coat, being an evergreen, is the symbol of Daphne. The evergreen was also the symbol of Attis (Kybele's son), the line of which furnished Lydia. Coincidence? I don't think so.

As the golden fleece was a ram's pelt, see this bracelet from 5th century BC Vani, having two heads of a ram/goat. The golden fleece depicted the rider of the ram, Phrixes, a depiction of several western Europeans, in my opinion, including Frigg, wife of Odin. As I had identified Odin/Woten as the Budini, I would now go further back to the Bat Caucasians. The Vanir Scandinavians (counterparts of Odin) would now be identifiable as the founders of Vani. The mythical "Vangard" and "Asgard" should prove to have been Vani-Kartli and As-Kartli...or Van-Kurds/As-Kurds. In keeping with the Goth origin of Odin, it may be that Kutaisa was named after the Guti/Gutis branch of Kurds. Since Aeetes was revealed as the co-founder of Corinth, that city must have been co-founded by Guti. On the other hand, the Cal-Edonians look like a Guti (i.e. Guti > Getae > Edoni) mix with the Caucasian Gali. (see Gali on map of Abkhazia).

As the Guti were both Medes and Cutha Hebrews, the apparent contradiction disappears when the Buzi and/or Budii Medes are identified as Buz, son of Nahor. Moreover, the daughter of Aeetes, Medea, was obviously a Mede peoples. As she returned to Greece with the Argonauts, wouldn't she have been the freed fleece peoples, and therefore the Bat-Lazi?

Pitsunda (north Abkhazia) was earlier Pityus (see Caucasian map), what therefore may have become the Apollo Hyperboreans that furnished Pythos in Greece, and therefore became the Phaethon (son of Apollo) dragon of the Rhone river, France. Apollo was changed into a dolphin at the so-called "Apollo Oracle" in the city of Delphi (previously Pythos), for obvious reason ("delphi" is a Greek dolphin), but Daphne was also in Delphi participating in this pathetic/psychotic cult, and so behold that "dauphine" is a French dolphin (see dolphin on the flag of Dauphine). To this add the apparent fact that the Apollo Oracle was founded by goats:

"It is said that goats found the ancient oracle; because of this the Delphians even today use goats for consulting the oracle."

Remember the utter stupidity of modern witchcraft when it connects Jesus to Dionysus, for as they derive their "wisdom" and their guidance from the behavior of goats, imaginary visions seen in crystals, dreams or mental pictures, the shapes of smoke or clouds -- after taking drugs on many occassions -- they are hardly in a position to speak on such matters, requiring intelligence, as the topic of Jesus. When connections between Jesus and mythical characters are made, in other words, don't assume that the writer of the article is anything but deluded and moronic. I will not repent from speaking these harsh words. Witches are commonly sluts in virgins' clothing, counterparts of male satyrs. Avoid them like the plague. Lucky for them that God has permitted them to breathe another day; unlucky for them that each new day brings added Wrath. Let me be clear on how I feel about pagan oracles seeking to lump Jesus in with the “holy sex” of modern "temple prostitutes." These are among the types now wishing for homosexual pornography to enter our homes as normal fare, for the children as well as the parents, that we might become like them. They will be wiped away from the face of this Creation.

The ancient Oracle, and therefore Daphne, to no surprise, were of Satrae Thracians. The Dauphine settlements were on the Rhone, as can be seen by the Arms of Provence-Alpes located on the mouth of the Rhone (see location of Provence-Alpes). The former province of Dauphine was in the northern sections of Provence-Alpes, still on the Rhone, wherefore the Daphne-branch Ladon peoples were essentially one and the same with the Phaethon dragon line, meaning also that Ladon and Pythos (not to mention Echidna the snake-women, a version of Pythos) were one and the same. It may be that the Phasis river, now called Rioni, may have had a similar name millennia ago, after which the Rhone, the Rhine, and Rennes were named. "Phasis" is itself a viable version of "Pythos."

As I stated earlier that the dolphin on heraldry depicts the Delphi bloodline, I must caution you by adding this Wikipedia quote: "In heraldry, a dolphin device displayed on a shield denotes the oldest son of a family; a crest device displayed denotes the second oldest." However this statement appears on a Dauphin website (below), wherefore it may be true only of the dauphin bloodline, of which Guy VIII of Vienne was the first to use the dolphin symbol.

Guy descended from counts of Forez (website below), and so see that the Arms of Forez is nothing but a dolphin. Forez was located in what is now Loire, using nothing but a dolphin. Loire is in the same general area as was Dauphine. Because Apollo loved Daphne while she rejected him, there may be a slight difference in France between the Apollo (Lug wolf line) and Dauphine peoples. I am reminded that the wolf line goes back to the Caucasian Dahae (later Daghestan), which term, because it is Biblically "Dehava," may have been the identity of "Daphne." It now strikes me as I write that Daphne was Typhon, the husband of Echidna, the two of which gave birth to multiple wolf peoples, including Geryon's dog (Ortho), historically the Ordovices of Wales (in my guess-timate).

I had noticed that "Daphne" looks like it may have named Devon(shire). That led me to suspect that she depicted the Danann (or "Dewnan") that named Devonshire, which makes sense in that the Greek Danaans of the Redones are hard to differentiate. As I had previously traced the Dewnan (also Dumnonii) to the Fir Domnann of Connacht (Ireland) and finally to the Domnalls -- i.e. the first Donnells/Donalds proper-- behold that the Irish Donnell Coat uses a dolphin while an alternative Irish Donnell Coat uses the hand symbol. In this way, because Typhon/Daphne can be identified as the Tartars (Dardanus?), the Tartars and Welsh are related, just as I had theorized in an earlier chapter when I pointed out the identical colors of their flags. In this way, the Danaans were not of the Israeli tribe of Dan, but of the Tartars...or Tators (Dedan?). I also mentioned in that chapter (Atlantis Founded by Hebrew-Khazars) that Italy uses the same colors (white, green and red). The difference between Apollo and Daphne, therefore, looks like the difference between the Hyperboreans and what became the Tatars.

It may be that while Apollo came to France by way of north Italy, Daphne came by way of Latmus of Miletus (continental Rhodes), then became the Rhodian Danaan (who built Lindos), who sailed to Libya as the Ladon peoples there...that went on to settle the apple garden of Atlantis (I concluded independently that the original Atlantis was in Cornwall and Wales). As the Merlin myth seemed to equate Daphne with the moon goddess, Daphne could be the same as the Selene dragon of Libya.

Freemasonic lunatics with extra-sensory wisdom miles above the rest of us have taken the dragon-line myths concerning Aea, Colchis, and have incorporated Jesus into them, as for example the holy grail finding its way to that city/region, and then finding its way, via Joseph of Arimathea, to Arthur's round table. Says one website concerning Gelati, near Aea: "The bringing of the Grail to Georgia is a fact and I assume Gelati must have been where it was brought to rest."

It should be clear to those of us with less-gifted insight that the holy grail refers to dragon blood, and I could from the above statement alone entertain that it was/is the bloodline of the Galli. Wikipedia reports that the Grail story was created first by Robert de Boron, wherein Joseph brought the blood to Glastenbury -- in Somerset.

"This [holy-grail story] was the inspiration for William Blake's mystical hymn Jerusalem." The Blake Coat uses a green griffin. The Blakes were first recorded in Devonshire (long before the Baux proper arrived to Britain). The Berts had also started off in Devonshire, and I do see that "Blake" is a viable alternative of "Pollok," a theory I'll present here because I believe the first recorded Polloks was from the Bert clan. Also keep in mind that Pollux people were in the Laz territory of Abkhazia.

Bekhyria is now the Rize Province, capital city, Rize (earlier "Rhisos"). "The province is home to a community of Laz people." In fact, it is part of what was Lazistan (Lazona in Laz...Chaneti in Georgian)...comprising the Laz or Lazuri-speaking population" ( ).

The "Lazona" version evokes Ladon, and the "Lazuri" term evokes "lapis-lazuli," the azure-blue gem of Aryan Afghanistan that I think could be associated with the roots of the Laz peoples. My dictionary defines "azure" as "sky blue," and by implication, the sky, exactly the meanings of "gog/kok"! When I learned that sky blue was a color often seen on Scandinavian flags, especially the flag of Finland, I realized with further thought that the Finns might have been the Vani Georgians, and that the term, Finno-Ugric" could be a Vani-Gogi combination. As the Finno-Ugrics provided the Magyars, Magog is also evoked.

The Gali of Abkhazia may have become the Geloni that are known to have lived among the Budini. If it's true that the Geloni were Alans, then the Gali may thereby have furnished the Sarmations. One can see "Sarmathia" to the north of Abkhazia, which at one time was "Sauromatia," meaning Lizard-Matia (they probably named Lake Meotis (Azov) upon which they lived). It's interesting that Pityus is on the extreme north of Abkhazia, where the Sarmation lands begin. It seems likely that the Meoti, and therefore the Sar-Mati, were what Medea, witch-daughter of Aeetes, which case Aeetes comes out looking either like an Amazon-Mede or Gargarian-Mede people (I would lean heavily toward the latter).

Are you with me? The Gargarians mixed with Amazons so that the myth writers could make the Sarmation product the "daughter" of Aeetes. As Medea's goddess was Hecate, while she in turn was the frog goddess, the frogs of the west, and possibly also the Armageddon-causing "frogs" that come from the mouth of the Revelation beasts (Revelation 16), appear as Alan Huns of France, Normandy, Holland, etc.

One can therefore investigate to see if the Sarmations, and the Alan Huns that were their major tribe, were of these dragon-line Georgians. Herodotus said that Sarmations were part Gargarians, part Thermodon Amazons; these particular Amazons lived near Bekhyria/Rhisos, and were said to inhabit "Aretias," a term that evokes Ereth(lyn), Rhodes, and, most interesting, Rieti of Italy in Lazio (i.e. Latium) province and Raetia to its north in Ladin, Italy! One could get the impression that Aretias was of the very Laz peoples who named Rhisos (from "Rus"?), which, if it was Rizos at one ancient point, may have been depicted by Helios' wife, Rhodos. It's also interesting that the Argo ship stopped at Lemnos to mate with Amazons there, before reaching Colchis, as though the fleece depicted Amazonian peoples.

It's moreover intriguing that Lemnos was the island of Hephaistos while the fleece was up the Phasis river at Aea/Kutaisa. In any case, I'm convinced that the Laz peoples were Amazons, and also believing that they were the Meshech on the Moschi mountains (lesser Caucasus range), I've got to entertain their being a Meshech-Gargarian alliance that became the Ruthene and Varangian Rus. The flagRuthene.gif Ruthene flag uses blue and gold, in keeping with a Gogi interpretation of the blue. The flag also uses a red bear, in keeping with the founding of the Russian Bear by the Varangians. The bear also evokes urso = Ereth(lyn) = Arthur. It's interesting that the Rise provincial region included Artan, and that next to Erethlyn was/is Rhos, an unusual "h" variation of "Ros/Rus" that evokes "Rhisos." This now makes it easier for some to believe, who may have scoffed when first reading it, that the Excalibur sword refers to the Halybes in Exeter, Devonshire.

See the regional map of Lazona, where its major city was Atina (next to Rhisos). I'll mention briefly that this Atina may have been what Odin depicted (as well as depicting Batumi to its north). While Bithyni may have been an extension of Batumi and/or the Budini, neighboring Thyni may have been an extension of Atina.

Some websites link Atina to the term, "Athens," which was ruled by the half-serpent Cecrops bloodline, feasibly depicting Gogar (Gogarene) but also Echidna. As the mythical Butes was of the Cecrops bloodline, he would be identified with Batumi...anciently "Batis"!

If it's true that Rhodes was founded by peoples of Rhisos, then the Danaans of Rhodes may have been from Atina, this corresponding with a (theoretical) Danaan root in the Biblical "Diynay" (i.e. Dina-ites, Ezra 4:9; see Hebrew text and Strong's #1784, as some English versions do not translate this term as a people group). One can now swallow the idea that the Rhodian-branch Halybes (Ialysos) were the Dumnoni (also "Dewnan") that founded Devonshire. Are you with me? I'm saying that Arthur's Excalibur sword was a people from Rhisos, and likely Rhos of Wales...while Arthur himself depicted neighboring Ereth(lyn). As Excalibur depicted the right to rule Britain, it may be that these were the first British settlements of the dragon bloodline, which supports my theory that western Atlantis began at Erethlyn...with Geryon (the three-tribed Gorgon/Georgian people) and Ortho (Arthur?) his two-headed dog. It's interesting that the Hebrew, "caleb" (Strong's #3611), means "dog," and that the Excalibur sword had two handles.

Wikipedia reports that "in Welsh, the sword was called Caledfwlch." Wouldn't that be the Khaldi, the alternative term to denote the Halybes? And wouldn't the similarity with the Hebrew, "caleb," reveal that these were all a Hebrew people? The Welsh version was adopted from a magical sword of Ireland, called "Caladbolg" and belonging to Fergus mac Róich, king of Ulster (remember, the Ulster flag uses the red hand of Abkhazia, and a Zionist star of David). Pitifully, someone has defined "Caladbolg" as "'hard belly", or possibly 'hard lightning.'"

Fergus Mac Roich was an ally of Connacht, and of CuChulain (Hound of Chulain), and "Fergus" itself may be a version of "verk" = wolf. I have reasoned that, since the Laz peoples spoke and created proto-Latin, the "cano/chien" terms that mean "dog" somehow derived from "cohen/khan," even as I feel that the Indo-European "dog" stems from the allies of the Laz, the (Aryan) Togarmites. Remember, the "kagan/khan" term is quite restricted to Turks/Bulgars, and these were Togarmites.

I expect, therefore, that the dog terms of Ireland were of Togarmite-Laz origin, and I will even suggest that the Q-Celt language was a product of the Caucasians that formed the (Gaelic) Irish proper. Leto, the mother of Apollo, and symbol of Lydia, was a wolf that the Laz must have been as well. I trace Apollo roots to Opis on the Tigris (another "dog" term, probably created by Togarmites), and Opis was the home of the wolf-worshipers, the Avvites, suggesting a Laz connection back to Avvites. The following tends to verify my Laz-to-Latin theory:

"Laz and Chan are synonymous ethnic terms, Chan is the term often used in Georgian histographical sources...Presently, there are plans of creating a writing system for Laz on the basis of the Latin script."

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