Wednesday, October 28, 2009

" En Catalonha e tanben en Occitania sèm adultes per caminar sols. Volèm daissar d’éstre colonias."

Tot això ho ha proclamat públicament Enric Garriga, president del CAOC, a Carcassona, pel matí del 24 octubre 2009 a l’entarimat de la plaça Chenièr:

Discors d’Enric Garriga a Carcassona:

Los pòbles se bolegan perqué las personas n’an un sadol de las messorgas dels estats colonizaires que nos volon far desaparéisser coma pòble e coma nacion.

En Catalonha e tanben en Occitania lo monde vòl prendre en man sa destinada e son futur.

Sèm adultes per caminar sols. Seguir aquesta dralha nos farà liures e capables de salvar la nòstra lenga, la nòstra cultura e lo nòstre biais de viure. Volèm gerir lo fruch del trabalh dels òmes de la nòstra terra per arribar a viure amb dignitat e libertat en Catalonha e Occitania. Volèm daissar d’éstre colonias.

Los catalans sèm arribats a Carcassona perqué lo vòstre combat tanben es lo nòstre combat.

Visca Occitània

Visca Catalonha

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Catalonia. Independence and immigration.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Independence and immigration

"Independence is impossible, there is too much immigration." Here we have it. The mother of all lies. How many times have heard, especially (what a coincidence) from who would want us believing that we live in a fragmented country? On one hand there are those who disgustingly discriminate between immigrants (xarnegos –from Spain-, Moors or sudaques –from South America-) and Catalans at its root, ignoring many previous waves of immigration. But others bent on maintaining economically, not just philosophically, a fictional Andalusian collective (as if everyone thought the same or belonged to the same herd) as FECAC and other mafias. Even some people want us to believe that there is a language conflict, such as the virtual Catalan vs Valencian, when the only real problem is that Spanish is still, unfortunately, official language enforced to all Catalans. Yes, Spanish is my mother tongue, but is as foreign as English in the Netherlands, Turkish in Germany or Spanish to Portugal itself. It is no coincidence that these are precisely the most manipulative of all immobilizers. What makes so much fear to change ? That instead of Andalusian collective become Catalans? That we became normal people like any other in Europe? That, without distinction as to origin or family origin, everyone wants to free the land of welcome?

Well, a Catalan writes to you , son and grandson of people from Andalusia, this Baix Llobregat massively populated by immigrant people (now or 30 years ago, the concept is the same) and their descendants. This lie about immigration is about to end it once and forever. To begin, groups such as Catalònia Acord or, in the scope language, Veu Pròpia, are causing a mental short circuit to a more than one brain of the country, because of their clarity and forcefulness. Their words can be summarized as follows: "integrated newcomers and their descendants are simply Catalans. Full-stop. We are part of one nation: the Catalan. We do not need any protection from Spanish gangs or its patrons who live installed decades within our governments”.

Non-generalizing, my particular way, I think is quite significant. In primary school I was lucky that the history teacher hit my child's brain –about 12 years of age- with the phrase: "Obviously that Catalonia is a country!". We all were spoken in Catalan (we were Catalan). Later, however, the high school I was amazed that the course of history only in the Spanish speaking (I'm afraid it still does, but that needs go change it, and quickly). Gradually, that seed planted by that teacher was germinating. Knowing Catalan history is necessary but not sufficient. Fortunately, one (only one!) of my Catalan classmates spoke the language of the Catalans to me, perhaps only because he considered me a real Catalan. It was just so I could practice it enough to become a proper speaker . And get to college, finally I could make all social life entirely in Catalan, as should be, regardless of my mother tongue or childhood surroundings. Finally after all this process of maturation and have good eyes open to everything happening around me, obviously I am Catalan, I feel like a Catalan, I suffer like a Catalan, but I also have an enormous enthusiasm in the Catalan future than any other who knows to live in a colony and not just want our country be free, sovereign, independent, mature, prosperous, but also takes action to achieve it.

Thus, in many cases the same as mine, these new Catalans, only have the name, the mother tongue and (currently) Spanish passport. Incidentally, there is a clear symptom of the disease in the country regarding immigration: each day, knowing my name, many lifetime Catalans will address to me in Spanish. I, with my Spanish name intact, answer in Catalan them voluntarily to create them a mental short circuit. It will be through mental short circuits, then, that we progress. I do not believe that I will ever translate my name, as, in fact, is not prompted to a son of Germans, Russians or Senegal, with foreign name to do so. Therefore always be a Catalan with foreign names, particularly Spanish. And what that has to do with the future I want for my country? The answer is easy: nothing. For independence is neither necessary nor wanted to change his name, nor have great-grandparents of Cerdanya, or vote ERC , or stop having friends in Spain or France, or to speak Catalan own family coming from 30 years of Andalusia, China and Ecuador. Wishing for independence just needs loving the country and want it completely free. Nothing more.

The Catalan identity is merely a way of thinking, understanding and acting in the world around us. It is purely mental and, contrary to what some would like us to believe, is not genetic. This way of thinking and living that make up the life of the party (generally called the Catalan people), eventually becomes dominant in each of the individuals who are born, grow up or spend a significant part of his life in. The daily experience, how people interact, socio-economic structure and the physical environment in which we move, end up determining the formation of this way of thinking and acting (ie, of being) make, for better or for worse, different from the rest of the world. In this sense, indeed there is more than the Catalans now have it explicitly clear. Catalan is because, simply, anyone who thinks and acts (ie, who is) the Catalan way.

Right now, hundreds of Catalans should be doing like me the whole process of integration, so spontaneous and natural. However, with a normalized environment (ie with their own State as other people have) would make virtually all descendants of immigrants, or at least thousands, or hundreds of thousands ... What is wrong then? What are we doing wrong? Well this answer is too easy: almost everything. Because we do not have our own State, nor act against the phenomenon of immigration as we should act while we have not.

Not having a State means that Catalan people do not have their own space where to work naturally, relaxed, their way of structuring society, to integrate newcomers, not to alienate their offspring, leaving them in no-mans Land to develop their culture and show it to the world with pride. Someone will respond to all this, to some extent, as is done now. Well, at least try. With the continuous interference of the invader, Spain, a lot of energy is wasted to perform all this work of integration. Just as they wasted on thousand other fronts that we address incorrectly as separate; defence of the language; protest against tax plundering suffered by all of the Catalan population (including Spaniards who live there!); demand own sporting teams, voice and vote in international organizations, labelling, judgments, software, audiovisual entertainment in Catalan ... (and will not end up ever). From all this, why not directly achieve independence? The integration of immigrants as Catalans would also be positively affected having their own state, because the methods and objectives would be decided by us instead of the Spaniards, who is now trying to turn immigrants into Spaniards.

With immigration, we are already making mistakes now. It is not possible to refuse up front as Catalans those who do not speak Catalan. Because we adopt the language as a natural consequence of considering becoming a member of that different group. It is a step but not the cause. Not necessarily speaking Catalan makes one Catalan. Instead, being conscious or feeling Catalan yes it does, sooner or later, to adopt Catalan, it is only a matter of time. Because the Catalan language is obviously the most appropriate, to best express the Catalanity, namely, the fact of thinking and acting in the Catalan way, ie, be and feel Catalan. The nuance is needed, however, that progress in any of the other two fields provided, is fed to one another. The fact that you are spoken in Catalan (and therefore that is conducive to you speaking it in the long term) facilitates the fact of beginning to feel really Catalan, acts as a throttle for the entire process. Recall again my mate in high school that spoke to me in Catalan. If I had not sensed like being considered Catalan probably would not have been speaking in Catalan now, probably would not have adopted the language that to me, then, was neither mother nor social but only the school (and a little by TV3). If we do not consider newcomers and their descendants real Catalans, and we do not speak Catalan to them, they note that they are just being refused to be Catalans. And finally, they are rejected as Catalans will become something else (for example, are Spanish).

This is, summarized, the tragedy we suffer. This whole process that should happen more naturally having their own state, because we have not, is not happening yet. And if does not happen naturally, then in theory should make it happen consciously, voluntarily and everyday, but we do not. Because, over time, is simply exhausting. You can not always blame the people not to continuously and consciously do what the rest of the world's people do naturally and effortlessly because they have a State. But we can blame all together to not focus our energies on achieving it. Because not only do, but we regret that, day in and day out, the consequences of not having this status. Do not put a start to achieve it, and also we lose ourselves in the desert wrapped in our own miseries.

And bound to the principle for the construction of this new State not only can not leave out the newcomers for their own moral dignity, but they and their descendants are absolutely essential. Especially for the enormous wealth of pure winning character off those entrepreneurs, who for ambition or need, and unlike others who remain, leave everything behind in their homeland and are able to take roots and integrate to the land of welcome, living there, having descendants and assimilating their way of thinking and acting (exactly what the Catalan identity is), and ultimately succeed in the goal with the initial fear of the unknown. And this is precisely what is needed to achieve independence, do we realize? Character winning decision, assumption of risk in exchange for the option for a better and more dignified future than that of the submissive slave, because the gains are usually proportional to the risk assumed in the bet.

To conclude, once again I will use my own example. My parents came here because they wanted to have a prosperous future, and I also had too, and every opportunity in life. Well, one of the biggest reasons why I work to achieve independence is that I do not like to find myself soon in the same situation as them 30 years ago. They came to stay, and I do not want to have to go to another country for my children if I ever have all chances. The Catalans are still able to make our country prosperous for many decades if we take the independence we have now more than ever at your fingertips and abandon forever this nightmare.

Imagine the extraordinary and overwhelming positive feedback from a moral and collective enthusiasm at the beginning of this enterprise that will become common in our society. Nobody is aware of that involved in this spiral of positive energy, so the result of a referendum will not be more than simply a logical and natural to join this national cohesion and winning character, ie the the recovery of the Catalan spirit.

Therefore, the Catalans, started on the path towards independence, towards a country, adult, responsible and better. It is not only imperative but also an indication, an announcement: we have already begun the journey. And above all, we are starting together all Catalans, old and new.

Juan Manuel Rodriguez
Councillor Catalunya Accio



Catalunya Acció - UK

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The ideal of Catalonia (Santiago Espot Executive Chairman of Catalunya Acció)

Monday, 19 October 2009

The ideal of Catalonia

Politics become something amorphous, routine and far from people’s feelings without it. Naturally, those who do not even want to talk about that are always saying “we must resolve the real problems of the people” or “the most important is being good managers”. They do not know nor want to go beyond this and are incapable of conceiving any encouraging idea to go past the clichés that they have minted to justify their intellectual and dialectical poverty. Talking in these terms means to possess the concept that the people behave like pigs, only thinking of eating, sleeping, and sitting down and getting fatter. Are Catalans like this? Are we only worried of paying the mortgage, going away for the weekend and eating good shellfish?

Surely that an important part of those who are in charge of the rudder of the country would like to see us reduced to such poor condition. It would the guarantee to perpetuate in power such alarming mediocrity that, among a lot of people, the idea of having to pass a test is necessary for everybody who wants to have any post with responsibility. We cannot tolerate any longer that “being the son of …”, “brother of …”, “partner of …” or “best friend of …” is the warrant to take possession of a chair. This fact is especially alarming in Catalonia, because we have always been a Nation that have valued the effort and talent of the protagonist, no matter who he or she is. We only need to see the statues at the façade of the Town Hall in Barcelona, James I and Joan Fiveller, put up asymmetrically, equalling Kings and subjects at the time of reckoning successes. This is the way to demonstrate carelessness regarding the person’s origins when the matter is to honour the defenders of the national freedom. Favouritism disgusts us because we put it to the Antipodes of our collective and most appreciated values. If we talk about politician leaders, we especially value perseverance, humanism and resolution to confront injustice. I doubt that what I have just said has anything to see with the fact that even today, we perceive President Macià –in the picture- as model of Catalan politician to imitate. Nevertheless, even for the most interested in reducing politics to a emotionless game, people, always, as said by John F. Kennedy “demand their leaders to act with courage and integrity”.

However, it must be said that these things are not easily applied to day-to-day reality. To begin with, the ideal cannot be bought at the first corner shop we find nor may be provided by any electoral campaign strategist or any expert in political marketing. It is not a simple slogan, a webpage, Facebook or a multicultural festival. A real ideal is forged within the minds of who want it materialized. Furthermore, it takes roots with time and life experiences through challenges derived from its defence; and it is impossible to build among chairs, government commissions or general secretaries. Who politically is born among all this might be able to manage more or less successfully a budget but, do not fool ourselves, will never shake anybody’s soul and will be unable to interpret and shape collective feelings, which are what move the spirit of a nation. Perhaps would be a “technician”, at worst would be a bureaucrat.

Talking about Catalonia, we would see that all that means doing collaborationist politics with Spain is seen lacking of idealism. The main characters justify themselves saying is the only possible, although the truth is that when we see how they work, we cannot stop thinking about the phrase “when foxes cannot reach the grapes, say that they are not ripe”. Then, it is not strange that their defenders are always seen by us like people who want to take profit of something without facing the enemy. Their option is the easiest and the least compromised and then, has the courage to make us believe that have achieved a big victory for Catalonia. But the reality is that we all well know that the only fact that can shake the collective soul of our people is the ideal of freedom, that is nothing else than her independence. This is the ideal of Catalonia.

Santiago Espot
Executive Chairman of Catalunya Acció.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Scotland in process of independence (Alex Salmond)

Scotland in process of independence

Opening the SNP’s 75th Annual conference in Inverness today (Thursday) at the Eden Court Theatre, the Leader of the SNP and First Minister for Scotland, Alex Salmond MSP MP said Scotland was now in an irreversible process of independence.

Commenting Mr Salmond said:

“Fellow delegates, it is five years since conference has been to Eden Court and the Highland Capital.

“I hope you noticed, but there have been one or two advances and changes for the better since then – and I don’t just mean the refurbishment of this magnificent venue!

“Five years ago, I pledged to conference that I was running to be First Minister, and take the Scottish National Party into government for the first time in our history.

“Today, I am proud to be addressing you as First Minister on behalf of a successful and popular SNP administration – delivering for the people of Scotland.

“Scotland is a great nation, and is even better with the policies we have already introduced in our first two years – freezing the Council Tax, recruiting 1,000 more police, saving A&E units, restoring free education, and moving quickly in the downturn to implement an economic recovery plan that is protecting 15,000 jobs.

“We are on a journey to make Scotland the best nation we can be. That is our purpose – and we’ve got what it takes to achieve it.

“And our national journey involves three stages. Step one was the restoration of the Scottish Parliament after three centuries – the nation’s democratic heartbeat – and the SNP played our full part in the Yes-Yes campaign.

“Within a decade of the new Parliament, step two was the election of an SNP administration to provide bold and effective leadership – recognising that Scotland needs a real Government, not a peely-wally ‘Executive’.

“And step three is achieving the full opportunities and responsibilities that come with independence. And that too will be achieved, because we are now in an irreversible process of independence, and closer to it than ever before.

“We have delivered good government in the devolved areas – and no-one can now argue against Scotland’s ability to be equally well governed in ALL areas. And the London parties cannot sustain their position of refusing the right of the people to choose Scotland’s future in a referendum. If these parties will not give the people a vote, the people will not give them their votes.

“Delegates, we have work to do – first, in Glasgow North East, and within a few months at the General Election.

“And our objective is clear. By winning a platform of 20 Scottish National Party MPs, we can transform the terms of politics.

“I want a hung parliament because a Westminster parliament that is hung on Scottish votes will at long last swing in Scotland’s direction.

“Let me give you a clear example. Only yesterday, the Prime Minister wrote to me refusing the reasonable request of the Scottish Government to have ministerial representation at the Copenhagen Summit as part of the UK delegation – despite the world-leading climate change legislation that Scotland has passed.

“The Prime Minister conceded that Jack McConnell attended a sustainable development conference in Johannesburg in 2002 within the UK delegation – but he did give a very full explanation for this total inconsistency. The reason for the difference, Mr Brown said, is that the issue is ‘not the same’. So that’s clear then!

“Delegates, things will not be ‘the same’ if we deliver 20 SNP MPs next year – things will be much, much better, and the SNP will use our clout to Scotland’s maximum advantage. Instead of saying ‘No’ to Scotland’s reasonable requests, Westminster will start saying ‘Yes’.

“That is our goal for the by-election and the General Election. That is Scotland’s opportunity. And the work begins at this conference.

“We’ve got what it takes.”

Alex Salmond,
the Leader of the SNP and First Minister for Scotland

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Public Reply to The Guardian

A Public Reply to The Guardian

Dear Sirs,

We have noticed in your article on bullfights in Barcelona (“Bullfighting finds a messiah as ban in Barcelona looms”, Sunday 11 October) an unattributed quote – a misquote in fact – from a letter that we sent as a reply to an earlier piece in the New York Times. This is the full text of that letter, with the relevant parts in highlighted:

“We find Michael Kimmelman’s story about bullfighting in Barcelona (“In a Spanish Region, a Twilight of the Matadors”, September 30, 2009) objectionable on many counts.

For one thing, it is troubling to see a NYT correspondent shamelessly take the side of those who find pleasure in watching the methodical torture and death of a frightened and disoriented animal. Tradition can be no excuse for cruelty. Not so long ago public executions were considered an acceptable form of entertainment in many parts of the world, but all enlightened nations have come to reject such barbaric pastimes. The mere fact that a given practice has been going on for a long time is no reason to condone it. Female genital mutilation is no less ingrained in certain cultures than bullfights are in Spain, but no one expects the NYT to mourn its disappearance.

It is also mistaken to put the widespread hostility to bullfighting in Barcelona down to a desire of Catalan nationalists to mark their distance from all things Spanish. If nationalism is part of the equation, the fault is mainly on the other side. It was the Spanish nationalists who in the mid seventies sought to revive what was by then a dying form of public recreation and turn it into a much-needed symbol of the regime that was being installed. Now the contour of a bull is often seen on the national flags waved by those making a show of their Spanish chauvinism in political rallies or international soccer games.

It doesn’t say much for Spaniards that, in an effort to stress their singularity, they could only find an ethnic totem in a tradition that is considered repulsive by most Europeans. National feelings aside, many Catalans share that assessment and it is to their credit that they should want to put an end to such a shameful custom in their own part of the world.

So we’re afraid that your correspondent has got it all wrong this time. For a more knowledgeable treatment of the whole question from an American point of view, we suggest that interested readers turn to Ms. Jodi Neufeld’s reply of October 3, 2009, to Mr. Kimmelman’s deplorable article.”

The quote was probably picked from a Spanish newspaper and then retranslated into English and put out of context. We would also like to point out that we are not “a group of supporters of the ban”. Col.lectiu Emma is a network of Catalan professionals living in different countries who have made it their job to try and set the record straight on news items published in the international press relating to different aspects of the Catalan economy and society.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ronda de contacte amb forces polítiques, socials i sindicals per tal de construir 'un estat i una estratègia independentista eficaç'

DIMARTS, 13/10/2009 - 19:33h
La policia espanyola deté Arnaldo Otegi
També ha detingut altres independentistes bascos per ordre del jutge Garzón

La policia espanyola ha detingut l'ex-portaveu de Batasuna, Arnaldo Otegi, i, com a mínim, quatre persones més en una operació a Sant Sebastià contra una suposada nova direcció de l'esquerra independentista basca, segons fonts policíaques. Les detencions han tingut lloc per ordre del jutge Baltasar Garzón a la seu del sindicat LAB a Sant Sebastià. Entre els altres detinguts hi ha Rufi Etxebarria, Rafa Díez, Arkaits Rodríguez, Sonia Jacinto.

A hores d'ara, la policia registra el local i també alguns domicilis particulars.

Poc després de les eleccions al País Basc, Otegi va anunciar que l'esquerra independentista basca començaria una ronda de contacte amb forces polítiques, socials i sindicals per tal de construir 'un estat i una estratègia independentista eficaç' i va reclamar un canvi polític i treball comú entre totes les forces.

* Etxaide: "Se responde con represión a la oferta de la izquierda abertzale"

GARA > Azkenak > Euskal Herria

La Policía española detiene a una decena de independentistas, entre ellos Otegi, Díez y Etxeberria, en la sede de LAB

Agentes de la Policía española han entrado en la sede de LAB en Donostia y han detenido a Arnaldo Otegi, Rafa Díez, Rufi Etxeberria, Sonia Jacinto y Arkaitz Rodríguez, También han sido arrestados Amaia Esnal, Txelui Moreno, Mañel Serra y Miren Zabaleta. Sobre las 21.20, la Policía ha sacado esposados a los detenidos en la sede de LAB.

* Etxaide: "Se responde con represión a la oferta de la izquierda abertzale"

13/10/2009 19:02:00

DONOSTIA-. La Policía española ha detenido a Arnaldo Otegi, Rafa Díez, Rufi Etxeberria, Sonia Jacinto y Arkaitz Rodríguez en la sede de LAB de Donostia, en el polígono Igara, en el transcurso de una operación ordenada por el juez Baltasar Garzón contra lo que él califica como "la nueva cúpula de Batasuna".

Poco antes, los uniformados han arrestado en Hernani a Mañel Serra cuando se dirigía a la ikastola Langile de la localidad. En el marco de la misma operación también han sido arrestados, aunque se desconoce en qué lugar, Amaia Esnal, Txelui Moreno y Miren Zabaleta.

La décima detención se ha producido en un registro. Según han señalado las agencias citando al Ministerio de Interior, se ha arrestado a Ainara Oiz Elgorriaga en el portal de la vivienda de Miren Zabaleta cuando portaba "documentos y efectos extraídos del domicilio" de de esta detenida.

EiTB ha indicado que hay ocho órdenes de registro en Gipuzkoa. Antes, las agencias habían indicado que se estaban produciendo registros en Nafarroa y otros lugares de Euskal Herria y presagiaban una larga noche.

Según han relatado trabajadores que se encontraban en la sede, agentes de la Policía española han irrumpido en las instalaciones de LAB pasadas las 18.30 horas, ha identificado a los que allí se encontraban y han trasladado a los trabajadores a una habitación, donde les han tenido retenidos hasta las 20.00 horas.

En esas identificaciones primeras Rafa Díez se encontraba hablando con otros sindicalistas y los uniformados han vuelto a por él y le han trasladado a donde mantenían a Otegi, Etxeberria, Rodríguez y Jacinto.

Para cuando se ha iniciado la operación en Igara, ya había periodistas y cámaras de televisión.

"Nueva cúpula de Batasuna"

La agencia Efe, citando fuentes policiales, ha difundido que las detenciones se enmarcan en una operación contra "la reconstituida dirección de la izquierda abertzale". La operación está ordenada por el juez Baltasar Garzón.

Según ha divulgado Europa Press, citando fuentes policiales, los detenidos formarían "parte de lo que sería la nueva cúpula de Batasuna", que "organizada en torno al nombre Bateragune" habría mantenido reuniones en los últimos meses. Hoy estarían reunidos en la sede de LAB, que ha sido registrada.

El abogado Iñigo Iruin ha señalado que sólo conoce la "parte dispositiva" del auto de Garzón en el que "se acuerda la entrada y registro" a la sede del sindicato "al objeto de proceder a la intervención de documentación y efectos" que pudieran estar "manejando los integrantes del denominado 'Bateragune', así como a su detención".

Las inmediciaciones de la sede sindical han estado acordonadas desde el inicio de la irrupción policial.

Aralar: "Es muy grave que se detenga por hacer política"

Aralar ha considerado "muy grave que se detenga y encarcele a personas por hacer política".

En un comunicado ha manifestado que "siempre es reprobable la detención de personas por hacer política" y ha instado a los que están en contra de estas prácticas a que las denuncien. "Creemos que se deben abrir las vías a la política, garantizando la participación política a todas las personas y a todas las ideas", ha agregado.

Ha aseverado que "no se puede aceptar la"persecución y criminalización de las ideas". "Las detenciones de hoy también son una consecuencia de la Ley de Partidos", ha denunciado, por lo que se reafirmado en la idea de que "hay que derogar inmediatamente esa ley".

Pastor: "Indicios probatorios"

El portavoz del PSE en el Parlamento de Gasteiz, José Antonio Pastor, considera que si el juez Garzón ha adoptado la decisión de detener a los independentistas es porque "tiene indicios probatorios que le hacen actuar de esa forma".

"Por lo tanto, nada que comentar, salvo que el Estado de Derecho siga funcionando y la justicia actúe como corresponda", ha manifestado.

Notícia Retrospectiva: 'Adiós para siempre, España'

Santiago Espot desafía a Vidal-Quadras a debatir en 'El Gato al Agua'Santiago Espot desafía a Vidal-Quadras a debatir en 'El Gato al Agua' sobre la independencia de Cataluña

Madrid.- Santiago Espot, presidente de Catalunya Acció y creador del partido independentista Força Catalunya, ha retado al eurodiputado del PP Alejo Vidal-Quadras y al periodista Miguel Ángel Rodríguez a mantener un debate sobre la situación actual y futura de la relación entre España y Cataluña. Espot ha presentado formalmente su ofrecimiento a Antonio Jiménez, presentador del espacio televisivo "El Gato al Agua" de Intereconomía TV, que se emite los lunes a las 22 horas. En él son contertulios habituales tanto Vidal-Quadras como Rodríguez. El presidente de Catalunya Acció ha propuesto que el debate tenga lugar hoy lunes 28 de septiembre.

Horas antes Espot presentará su libro 'Discursos a la Nació' en el Centro Cultural Blanquerna de Madrid. El acto será presentado por Josep M. Vall, editor de Duxelm, quien leerá unas palabras de adhesión de Iñaki Anasagasti, senador del PNV. Posteriormente, Espot dará una conferencia dirigida a la comunidad catalana de Madrid que tendrá como título 'Arenys de Munt marca el camino hacia la independencia de Cataluña'. El acto finalizará con la lectura de un mensaje dirigido "al pueblo español" y titulado 'Adiós para siempre, España'. Tras el turno abierto de preguntas, los convocantes servirán una copa de cava para celebrar el archivo definitivo de la querella que la Fundación DENAES presentó en la Audiencia Nacional contra Espot como impulsor de la pitada que tuvo lugar el pasado 13 de mayo, en el estadio de fútbol de Mestalla, durante el partido que enfrentó al F.C. Barcelona y al Athletic de Bilbao en la final de la Copa del Rey.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Spain forbids the exercise of democracy by the Catalans and allows the renaissance of fascist violent groups

Monday, 14 September 2009
Spain forbids the exercise of democracy by the Catalans and allows the renaissance of fascist violent groups


Initially, the Local Council of Arenys de Munt (Catalonia) had decided to celebrate the first plebiscite for the Independence of Catalonia on September 13th. In that session, the political representatives of this city, democratically elected by its citizens, considered that it was an elementary exercise of democracy. This initiative has begun to spread and, at this moment, more than 50 other Local Authorities in Catalonia are interested in celebrating similar plebiscites.

Once the call for this plebiscite was published, all Spanish alarms sprung out and important politicians -from PSOE and PP, including Spanish vice-president, Mrs Maria Fernandez de la Vega, argued that this plebiscite was not to be celebrated because Spanish law does not allow to do so.

At the same time, Falange Espanola, violent group supporting Fascism that, must be remembered, was the only political party allowed during the Francoist dictatorship (1939-75), pretended to demonstrate on the very same September 13th in Arenys de Munt, coinciding with the plebiscite. At first, the Catalan Home Council rejected the application but Falange Espanola appealed to the Spanish justice.

Equally, the Spanish government, by hand of the State Lawyer, started legal proceedings against the call for this plebiscite. Not long after, it was known that the lawyer for the State, Mr Jorge Buxade Villalba, had been candidate for Falange Espanola in the period 1995-96.

These two proceedings had resulted in the cancellation of the agreement by the Council of Arenys de Munt by the Judge Emilia Gimenez Yuste, thus impeding the consult. On the same September 9th, Judge Pilar Rovira del Canto authorized the protest by Falange Espanola, revoking the decision by the Home Councillor of Catalonia.

"Spanish democracy", on one hand, forbids the democratic right of plebiscites and on the other authorizes the demonstration of fascist and violent groups that bear sad memories for the Catalans. Catalans only know too well what dictatorship and fascism mean. The World judged Nazi Germany's crimes. Germany has asked for forgiveness a thousand times, Germans feel ashamed of this stage of their History and Nazi groups are illegal. But the World has not judged Francoist regime, nor has any Spanish government ever apologised. Spain is full of politicians and public officers that belonged to that regime and do not feel guilt from having belonged to it. Furthermore, political parties like Falange are legal in Spain.

For these reasons, we call all Western institutional and non-government institutions, dedicated to analyze the quality of democracy worldwide, to have acknowledged the democratic involution that is happening in Spain and the consequences at European and International level that from it will derivate.

Catalans are a profoundly democratic people, as our own History reflects continuously and we consider that no Spanish law may be above democracy, people expressing their will by voting in peace. Catalans want independence and work with our utmost determination to recover it, always by democratic ways. And nobody will ever stop us from being the next State in Europe.

But despite all Spanish prohibitions and threats detailed above, the citizens from Arenys de Munt were able to vote on September 13th, being the turnout superior to previous "official" elections -European Constitution referendum and European elections, with 41% of inhabitants of Arenys de Munt older than 16 inscribed in the Town Council, participating in this election. The percentage of favourable votes for Independence was 96% (2569 votes against 102). The number of favourable votes for Independence in this town is superior to the number of votes in favour of the increase of the autonomy in the elections celebrated in 2006 (2424 votes in that occasion).

Albert Ubach (Figueres, Catalonia)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Local Council of Arenys de Munt (Catalonia) had decided to celebrate the first plebiscite for the Independence of Catalonia on September 13th.

Fotographie: Catalonia, Brussel, 2009

Monday, 14 September 2009
Spain forbids the exercise of democracy by the Catalans and allows the renaissance of fascist violent groups


Initially, the Local Council of Arenys de Munt (Catalonia) had decided to celebrate the first plebiscite for the Independence of Catalonia on September 13th. In that session, the political representatives of this city, democratically elected by its citizens, considered that it was an elementary exercise of democracy. This initiative has begun to spread and, at this moment, more than 50 other Local Authorities in Catalonia are interested in celebrating similar plebiscites.

Once the call for this plebiscite was published, all Spanish alarms sprung out and important politicians -from PSOE and PP, including Spanish vice-president, Mrs Maria Fernandez de la Vega, argued that this plebiscite was not to be celebrated because Spanish law does not allow to do so.

At the same time, Falange Espanola, violent group supporting Fascism that, must be remembered, was the only political party allowed during the Francoist dictatorship (1939-75), pretended to demonstrate on the very same September 13th in Arenys de Munt, coinciding with the plebiscite. At first, the Catalan Home Council rejected the application but Falange Espanola appealed to the Spanish justice.

Equally, the Spanish government, by hand of the State Lawyer, started legal proceedings against the call for this plebiscite. Not long after, it was known that the lawyer for the State, Mr Jorge Buxade Villalba, had been candidate for Falange Espanola in the period 1995-96.

These two proceedings had resulted in the cancellation of the agreement by the Council of Arenys de Munt by the Judge Emilia Gimenez Yuste, thus impeding the consult. On the same September 9th, Judge Pilar Rovira del Canto authorized the protest by Falange Espanola, revoking the decision by the Home Councillor of Catalonia.

"Spanish democracy", on one hand, forbids the democratic right of plebiscites and on the other authorizes the demonstration of fascist and violent groups that bear sad memories for the Catalans. Catalans only know too well what dictatorship and fascism mean. The World judged Nazi Germany's crimes. Germany has asked for forgiveness a thousand times, Germans feel ashamed of this stage of their History and Nazi groups are illegal. But the World has not judged Francoist regime, nor has any Spanish government ever apologised. Spain is full of politicians and public officers that belonged to that regime and do not feel guilt from having belonged to it. Furthermore, political parties like Falange are legal in Spain.

For these reasons, we call all Western institutional and non-government institutions, dedicated to analyze the quality of democracy worldwide, to have acknowledged the democratic involution that is happening in Spain and the consequences at European and International level that from it will derivate.

Catalans are a profoundly democratic people, as our own History reflects continuously and we consider that no Spanish law may be above democracy, people expressing their will by voting in peace. Catalans want independence and work with our utmost determination to recover it, always by democratic ways. And nobody will ever stop us from being the next State in Europe.

But despite all Spanish prohibitions and threats detailed above, the citizens from Arenys de Munt were able to vote on September 13th, being the turnout superior to previous "official" elections -European Constitution referendum and European elections, with 41% of inhabitants of Arenys de Munt older than 16 inscribed in the Town Council, participating in this election. The percentage of favourable votes for Independence was 96% (2569 votes against 102). The number of favourable votes for Independence in this town is superior to the number of votes in favour of the increase of the autonomy in the elections celebrated in 2006 (2424 votes in that occasion).

Catalunya Acció, UK

Building victory IV ( Albert Ubach, Catalunya Acció)

(Foto. Brussel, 2009)

Sunday, 20 September 2009
Building victory IV

Politics of indigence

During the last years, Catalans have attended to a real and intensive Masters Degree in Political indigence. Since the first “Tripartit” (the coalition of Socialist, Comunists and Republicans in the autonomous Catalan government) proposed to renovate that Spanish Organic Law –otherwise called “Estatut”-, that Catalans have been able to evidence, ashamed, the way the Catalan Parliamentarians have starred an endless vaudeville not outclassed by The Ed Sullivan Show. Because, being frank, in a context of economical and national crisis like the actual, the border between the ridicule and the upsetting to which we have attended the “Estatut” number becomes an insult to Catalans.

It has been since thirty years ago that this country was used to sell successes that have been no more than failures and simple smoke curtains to Catalans. It was the consequence to putting in front of the country some ordinary managers of the political indigence that we have inherited today. But reality is tough and always claims its place. There is time when a lot of Catalans realise that is not true that the linguistic policy was a success, nor that we had the best infrastructures of Spain and France, or that even without State, we could use our Catalan in Europe or having National teams like elsewhere in the World. After thirty years, the mirage of linguistic policies and economic politics, social and cultural policies has vanished as the smoke of a wood shaving fire to which Catalans have attended as spectators.

Is it time, then, to stop being spectators and become actors, makers of our future? We now have the historical opportunity to reverse this situation.

Directive regeneration to independence

They say: renovate or die. When the country wants to push towards a direction but their leaders go towards the other, nobody doubt about it; we either change the leaders or we crash with them.

Here we have one of the fundamental conditions that originated the creation of Catalunya Acció. Once the diagnose of the country was made, some action had to be carried out. The first step, of course, started by the beginning of a much needed political regeneration.

But no real political regeneration may happen without a real regeneration of thought, attitude, style but principally innovation. No. There had to be new fire, new ways, new strategies and contributing with new discourse, touching, able to shake the country's morale. To recover the energy, strength, nerve in the discourse to shake the tamed Catalanism that we had in front of our Nation for the last thirty years.

To substitute this obsolete political class, what sort of leadership has to mark the way to independence? How the speeches to the Nation have to be to start a real break with everything established to date? And, especially, how can we assure that we shall not repeat the ways that have showed flaws? Certainly, political regeneration of a country is such a large range project that requires of a strategy that is not built in a few days, or even improvising.

Because, at the end, what future do we want? To create a new Convergencia or a new Esquerra that were really pro-independence, risking the repetition of organization and strategy models that have failed? No. We must go beyond that; regenerating politics coordinating these two fundamental pillars of the country that claim a change of course and an urgent new national focus. This is the change of mind that we have spoken about at Catalunya Accio, and this is, without a doubt, what will guarantee the authentic winning horse to the next elections in 2010. A Company of Companies with the standard of coordination: the Company of Almogavers of the 21st Century.

Time is not for Catalonia. The responsibility of the actual moment demands the maximal implication of Catalans to initiate the course to the authentic political transition that we provide the country with. The count down has begun. Let’s be worthy of not deceiving the country and return Catalonia the opportunity to build a collective victory that we have at our hand’s reach: Independence.

Albert Ubach


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