Monday, August 06, 2012 is the leading online newspaper in Catalan. Now and then it issues articles, like this one, in other languages. is the leading online newspaper in Catalan. Now and then it issues articles, like this one, in other languages.


VilaWeb en llengües diverses

Seguint l'exemple de The Guardian VilaWeb obre un espai per a publicar articles especials en llengües diverses
VilaWeb in English. Massive disobedience campaign #novullpagar hits highway toll booths
VilaWeb en français. Moussa Ag Attaher: 'Touaregs et amazighes partagent une aspiration légitime à la liberté'
VilaWeb en occitan: Jornalet, 'gaseta occitana d'informacions'
VilaWeb euskaraz: Otegik mozorroa erortarazten du

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