Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bye bye Sr. Lara, Bye bye Editorial Planeta!

"Fora de Catalunya els colonitzadors incapaços de respectar aquesta terra,
la seva gent i la seva cultura"
Traducido al castellano significa DESESPAÑOLARIZARSE es lo que debe 
hacer Catalunya inmediatamente y durará generaciones, debe ser una gran 
purga para recuperar la cultura republicana o ancestral del Reino de Catalunya i  
Aragón (en el bien entendido que Aragón no era mas que un reino como lo 
fué Napoles o Sicilia, nosotros podriamos ser federalistas, vosotros no) .

Nadie discute que la influencia del españolerismo es un lastre que nos 
perjudica y que deberemos sacarnos de encima rapidamente por razones 
como las siguientes;

Mal va un sistema que deba mantenerse por el peso de unas leyes que no 
respetan los derechos fundamentales de los pueblos, que deba imponerse 
una Constitución que precisamente los que ahora la defienden no la 
querian y la usan para mantener una injusticia permanente.

Se miente constantemente. Lo que dice Mas es muy claro, Ante una 
manifestación tan enorme y pacífica, y no es la primera, hubo otra hace 
mas de dos años que ya fue de dimensiones espectaculares, hay que hacer 
una consulta al Pueblo formalmente, tanto si las leyes españolas la 
permiten como si no, las leyes deben ser legítimas y si no lo son no 
valen. basó su campaña electoral en hacer una propuesta al gobierno del 
Estado. no ha sido ni aceptada ni tan solo escuchada, ha fracasado por 
lo tanto dimite, disuelve el parlamento y antes le permite votar si está 
de acuerdo o no en hacer una consulta por la autodeterminación, 
añadiendo además que si sale que el pueblo quiere la independencia, el 
lo defenderá, pero cuando se consiga no se preserntará a la reelección 
ni para la Generalitat ni para la presidencia de la republica, Esa es la 
verdad y no es lo que se dice a los españoles.

Hoy mismo ha repetido que la reacción de los españoles, amenazando, 
despreciando y diciendo auténticas animaladas no favorece el 
entendimiento amistoso.

Los catalanes tenemos unos politicos incoparablemente mas civilizados y 
capaces que los españoles, personas con idiomas, con eduicación, ninguno 
se pasearia por Nueva York fumandose un puro, intervenir en las naciones 
unidas con seis o siete personas escuchándole, mostrandose como un 
ignorante en democrácia, teniendo los problemas que tiene, asaltos al 
parlamento, Cataluña que lo manda a la mierda, su parrtido con problemas 
terribles y la situación económica mas penosa de Europa con unas 
perspectivas de desastre total de eso que el llama "la nación española". 
cuando Vestringe dice claramente "por favor catalanes, no se vayan 
porque España no es sostenible sin Vds." y además la oposición comete 
los mismos errores y fabrica independentistas cada dia mas, La idea de 
que Cataluña deporte 150.000 catalanes oriundos de Extremadura, ha 
provocado que cientos de miles de indecisos se apunten radicalmente al 

Se ha llegado al extremo que nadie podrá presumir de democrata si no es 
independentista y eso que solo se trata de conseguir que el Pueblo se 
exprese oficialmente de momento.

Locos que dicen que en la manifestación no estaban todos, como si todo 
el mundo pueda y deba ir a las manifestaciones, ahora veremos la de los 
españoleristas, el 12 de Octubre que nosotros vamos ha trabajar, veremos 
la manifestación contraria y vereis como son los mismos falangistas de 
siempre entre treinta y cuarenta bramando como salvajes y posiblemente 
venidos del extranjero.

No necesitamos embajadas en el extranjero, tenemos los Casalas de 
Catalunya que funcionan mejor que una embajada, ni el euro, ni la Unión 
Europea, toda America del Sur a mandado a la mierda a las instituciones 
de credito mundial y a las Merkeles y las cosas les van muy bien, como 
en Islandia.

España esta destrozada para siempre y se lo ha ganado a pulso, ya no hay 
marcha atrás, Apoyaremos a Mas, tenemos un líder y empieza ha salir lo 
mejor de la ciudadania catalana que no se queria meter en politica hasta 
ahora y una asamblea que es capaz de movilizar millones de personas en 
defensa de sus legítimos derechos, que ahora tendrá que empezar a 
desespañolarizar Catalunya, y eso va en aumento, los partidos politicos 
se renovarán ahora y saldrán mucho mas radicales, el nuevo Parlament 
será mucho mas independentista todavía, mas de dos tercios es mucho y 
los socialistas se han abstenido de momento con la excusa de que quieren 
legalidad, pero esa politica los destruirá del todo, en la proxima 
legislatura todo irá mas en serio y mas rapido, sobre todo si desde 
España se sigue haciendo el bestia, como hace Vidal Cuadras que será uno 
de los pocos catalanes que le vamos ha dedicar calles y le haremos 
monumentos a pie o a caballo, como a Aznar, al Rey, al Rajoy a la 
Cospedal, Intereconomia, la Cope y tantos heroes de la lucha por nuestra 

Hay mas motivos, mas alicientes para no retroceder, especialmente el 
Pueblo que está ilusionado, unido y dispuesto, debemos salvar nuestra 
economía para que España no deba devolvernos mas nuestro propio dinero, 
mas innovación, imaginación, exportación, mas esfuerzo, mas trabajo y 
mas apoyo a Artur Mas (un mas es una masia pequeña, una casa de campo, 
no es mas de lo mismo) son las ventajas del bilingüismo, es curioso los 
polacos ya no dicen Katalonia, ahora dicen Kataluña y vienen a las 
fiestas de la Merce a Barcelona, Cuando me preguntaban en el Stand de 
Kataluña en Rzeszów si eramos españoles, yo les decia pero ¿Saben dónde 
está España?, está lejíimos por lo menos es mas alla de un océano como 
el Pacífico, pero nosotros estamos tocando a Polonia, fijense en la 
bandera que está tocando la polaca tiene muchas lineas rojas, la de 
España tiene muchas menos, tuvimos que prestarles nuestros colores 
porque no sabian ni como pintar su bandera, ¿no vieron por la televisión 
la manifestación de Barcelona del martes? ¡Claro que la habian visto 

El facha del Lara dice que no se pueden editar libros en un pais 
extranjero, pues que se largue, y las madres que tendran hijos 
extranjeros, pues haber luchado por su tierra y no haberse ido.

Reuerdo muy bien las inundaciones del Vallés ahora ya se ha cumplido el 
cincuentenario, oficialmente mil desparecidos o muertos, fueron muchos 
mas, era gente que emigraba a Catalunya sin  papeles y vivia en barracas 
en medio de las rieras secas, Radio Barcelona Joaquin Soler Serrano que 
hacia un programa que se llamaba "Vds. son Formidables" que siempre 
recogia dinero para personas necesitadas extremeños, andaluces, 
murcianos etc. en una emisión especial recogió entre treinta y cincuenta 
millones de pesetas no saben ni cuanto y socorrieron los supervivientes, 
cosa que disgustó a las autoridades de vuestro criminal caudillo y fue 
el fin de la carrera de Joaquin Soler Serrano, un locutor excepcional, 
un millón de pesetas era muchísimo dinero entonces y los Casals Catalans 
esparcidos por el mundo mandaron mucho dinero via Suiza para evitar los 
robos de vuestras dignísimas autoridades que lo eran por la gracia de 
Dios. Y ahora somo unos ladrones y unos insolidarios, pues a la mierda 
para siempre.

Odio, rabia, envidia y miseria, es lo que siempre sale de España, y 
ahora la bestia está herida de muerte. Debereis construir una España muy 
desespañolarizada, pero no conteis con los extremeños que se han vuelto 
catalanes del todo.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Catalan Parliament will vote on right of independence #eu #news #usa #politics

The parties which played a central role in the National Day of Catalonia on September 11, 2012 are now working on a statement on the right of the Catalan people to cut off the tie with the Spanish state. The resolution will be voted on Thursday by the regional parliament, at the end of the general debate due to start tomorrow. To the writing of the resolution on sovereignty, which is not binding, are participating the following parties: Convergencia i Union (CiU), the ruling party in the Generalitat, with 62 deputies; Iniciativa (ICV-Euia), with 10 deputies; Esquerra Republicana (ERC), 10 deputies, the independents of Solidaritat, 3 deputies, and Joan Laporta. The Popular Party (PP) (18 deputies) and Ciutadans (3) are against the initiative, while the Socialist Party (PSC, 28) proposes to move towards the construction of a federal state. According to Spanish media, the statement won't be only a proposition, as others rated in the past by the Catalan room, but goes further, and expresses "the will of Catalan people to vote on the bond with the State of Spain". In addition to this, it opens the way for forthcoming elections which may already take place on November 25, and a referendum on the sovereignity of Catalonia, claimed by parties supporting a national indipendence. A decision which, as indicated by the Catalan President Artur Mas, must be taken by the majority of the Parliament. After the refusal of the government of Mariano Rajoy of a fiscal pact with Catalonia - a privileged system of financing, such as those in the Basque Country and in Navarre - Mas said that it was time to take a step forward, even with the a referendum for indipendence. For his part, the Secretary General of Convergence (CDC), Oriol Pujol, declared to be "skeptical about a dialogue" suggested on Saturday by Prime Minister Rajoy, to check the possibility of an agreement on the financing of Catalonia. He also urged the Prime Minister to take initiative and "Do not play with the feelings of the Catalans". According to La Vanguardia, the model for the new Catalonia would be Scotland. (ANSAmed).
Source: Infoindepe

Ambigu esborrany de proposta de CiU. Ni dates ni la paraula d’independència
Convergència i Unió ja ha donat llum al seu esborrany, per negociar amb ERC, ICV i Solidaritat, i aprovar conjuntament una declaració des del Parlament català, després de la manifestació de la Diada i del no de Madrid al pacte fiscal.

Després d’una llarga introducció on es fa un repàs als intents fracassats per encaixar amb Espanya, es passa a una resolució de 5 punts on es demana que el Parlament insti al Govern de la Generalitat i a les forces polítiques, socials i econòmiques a impulsar amb el màxim consens un diàleg amb la comunitat internacional, la Unió Europea i el govern espanyol, per tal que la ciutadania de Catalunya es pugui determinar en un marc de plena llibertat i sense coaccions de cap mena.

Finalment el darrer punt constata la necessitat que el poble de Catalunya pugui determinar lliurement i democràticament el seu futur col·lectiu, i insta al govern a consultar la seva voluntat.

No hi ha dates, ni full de ruta, ni explica com és plantejarà el dret a decidir, ni en cap moment es refereix a la independència.

Ambigu esborrany de proposta de CiU. Ni dates ni la paraula d’independència

Ambigu esborrany de proposta de CiU. Ni dates ni la paraula d’independència
Convergència i Unió ja ha donat llum al seu esborrany, per negociar amb ERC, ICV i Solidaritat, i aprovar conjuntament una declaració des del Parlament català, després de la manifestació de la Diada i del no de Madrid al pacte fiscal.

Després d’una llarga introducció on es fa un repàs als intents fracassats per encaixar amb Espanya, es passa a una resolució de 5 punts on es demana que el Parlament insti al Govern de la Generalitat i a les forces polítiques, socials i econòmiques a impulsar amb el màxim consens un diàleg amb la comunitat internacional, la Unió Europea i el govern espanyol, per tal que la ciutadania de Catalunya es pugui determinar en un marc de plena llibertat i sense coaccions de cap mena.

Finalment el darrer punt constata la necessitat que el poble de Catalunya pugui determinar lliurement i democràticament el seu futur col·lectiu, i insta al govern a consultar la seva voluntat.

No hi ha dates, ni full de ruta, ni explica com és plantejarà el dret a decidir, ni en cap moment es refereix a la independència.

Czech Economist Defends Catalonia's Independence

Czech Economist Defends Catalonia's Independence

Lidové noviny is one of the most prestigious Czech newspapers. A few weeks ago they published an article by Pavel Kohout who argues in favor of Catalan sovereignty in a demolishing way. Kohout is a young and prestigious economist who acts as an adviser for the Czech government, and a highly respected opinion maker among the Czech elite. This is the first time that a text in Czech is published defending Catalonia’s independence.

The text begins with a reference to Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, where he talks about his own experiences during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), when a democratic Catalonia was militarily crushed, and Spanish fascists would execute countless people at firing squads.

Mr. Kohout explains the situation of the Catalan economy, and backs his assertions with real figures. “Does this mean that Catalans are not able to manage their own economy? Did the Catalans live beyond their means and are they asking now for help? Absolutely not. Quite the opposite is true. Catalonia is the richest region in Spain. Also, it is the one with the highest tax imbalance. And that is precisely the problem.” He adds, “The figures from 2009 show that Catalonia gave Madrid 14,493,000 € (which represents an 8.4% of Catalonia's GDP) in exchange for nothing. Incidentally, this amount is just a bit more than the total loans Catalonia is going to need for 2012.” Therefore, Spain's richest region must get in debt just to subsidize Madrid. Could it be more clear?

Kohout also compares the situation in Catalonia with that of the Czech Republic when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and he notices that the situation is very similar.

The article ends with a clear message: “The Catalan budget is smaller than the amount Catalonia sends to Madrid every year. Therefore, the crisis comes from the the budget’s federalism. Should Catalonia not be obliged to contribute to the common budget in Spain, it would end up with a balanced budget or a surplus.”





La actitud del presidente de la Generalidad de Cataluña y de los miembros separatistas de su Parlamento es improcedente e inadmisible y no se compadece de ninguna de las maneras con el deber y la responsabilidad que, como representantes del Estado, están obligados a observar y ejercer, siendo la principal la de guardar y hacer guardar la Constitución Española, vigente por la firme e inmovible voluntad del honrado, sorprendido y desconcertado pueblo español.
Los acontecimientos actuales que se desarrollan en aquella región son el resultado de una pavorosa crisis económica y otra manifiestamente desastrosa gestión política por parte de las formaciones que, siendo aquellas que gozan de forma ininterrumpida de la mayoría, incurren en un delito de alta traición al mantener de forma voluntaria un sistema de representación electoral que –contrario al del Parlamento de la Unión Europea que busca la unión- fomenta la aparición y el asentamiento de los nacionalismos separatistas al ceder ante su chantaje de votos para mantenerse en el poder.
Como tal conflicto político de intereses, tanto españoles como de otros poderes fácticos, han de ser la más alta Magistratura y los Gobiernos que se benefician de esta situación los que, por mandato y aplicación de las facultades legales que la Constitución les concede de modo irrenunciable, tomen inmediatamente las medidas oportunas para suprimir cualquier atisbo de secesión sin que, desgraciado hábito en nuestra Historia, las Fuerzas Armadas se vean en la irremisible y gravísima tesitura de cumplir escrupulosa y estrictamente con la misión que la Carta Magna les otorga de garantizar la soberanía,  independencia e integridad territorial de nuestra Patria, sin devolución de la gobernación a quienes ponen sus intereses de partido por encima de la Nación.
Si así tuvieran lamentablemente que actuar, no deberá existir la menor duda de que cuantos han permitido, participado o colaborado en llegar a esta, última pero reiterada en el tiempo, amenaza de fractura de España, por comisión, omisión o provecho de sus cargos constitucionales, habrán de responder con todo el máximo rigor de tan grave acusación de alta traición ante los tribunales en el ámbito de la jurisdicción castrense.


Teresa Rebull nous a envoyé une copie de la lettre est adressée au Président de la République française.

Bonjour, la maison de notre lettre 110 a été dédiée à notre collègue Teresa Rebull. Ses vertus en tant que combattant pour la langue que dediquéssim justifié ici. Maintenant, Teresa nous a envoyé une copie de la lettre est adressée au Président de la République française. Exposition magnifique et claire de la nécessité de protéger le catalan. Nous avons la permission de le publier et nous sommes très heureux de le faire.

Monsieur le Président de la République Française
            Palais de l’Élysée, Paris

Cher monsieur le Président  et cher camarade,
Je suis moi-même du Parti Socialiste Catalan et profondément socialiste.
Je me permets de m’adresser à vous pour une pétition, humaine, qui pose des questions qui demeurent sans réponses concrètes et que les Catalans ne cessent de réclamer.
Les citoyens parlant le catalan, la langue catalane, réclament et vous devez connaître largement la problématique, la possibilité d’un enseignement libre, respectant celle-ci.
Les paroles du grand poète français  Benjamin Peret  nous donnent raison :
“La langue est le sang du peuple, sans elle le peuple disparait”
Or, les citoyens de langue catalane ne veulent pas mourir, ils veulent exister parce qu’ils aiment leur terre et leur culture si riche.
Et vous le savez, Monsieur le Président, “qui s’aime soi-même aime les autres “.
C’est bien comme cela que nous aimons avec ferveur la France, dans sa beauté, sa culture,
son caractère.
J’étais chanteuse de langue catalane, pour la défendre au moment où Franco l’interdisait.
J’ai été retenue à la maison d’arrêt de Figueras pour ce délit.
J’ai chanté en Allemagne où plus de 10 000 étudiants des grandes écoles étudient le catalan sans problèmes administratif ni culturels.
J’ai vu, après avoir chanté dans ma langue, un paysan du Béarn, se lever parmi le public en chantant  dans sa langue à lui et criant : "Cela fait 40 années que je n’avais pas chanté dans
ma langue" !
J’ai entendu un brave propriétaire terrien des Vosges, s’exclamant après avoir entendu ce
que je défendais : « Madame je suis aussi un Catalan » !  Peut-être que à cause des tracasseries administratives et jacobines, cet homme ne se sentait pas considèré comme
un citoyen normal ?
A Paris, en Algérie, en Tunisie et au fond de nos campagnes françaises que l’on appelle
"la France profonde", dans le sens culturel et amoureux de ses paysages, partout, les gens approuvent  nos sentiments et approuvent notre revendication pour la langue catalane
étant comme un problème propre.
Cette langue fut démocratisée par Raimon Llull puisque le latin était pour les riches et interdit au bas peuple qui parlait seulement en catalan (pas le patois comme on entend dire).
Monsieur le Président je vous ai connu lors de ces exaltants discours pour faire gagner la place que mérite une culture qui va du bien être quotidien, à l’exercice de l’esprit et à la beauté négligée de l’être humain. C’est  pour cela que j’ose, même maladroitement, vous
adresser ces lignes et vous inciter à nous aider et nous écouter en vous situant à la marge de  l’obscurantisme, de la vulgarité, des répressions contre notre culture. 

Faites les pas courageux et intelligents qui rendent possible le respect et l’adhésion à cette culture catalane, pour la défense de sa langue. Dans trop de lieux où on la parle elle est encore interdite  par une ignorance déplacée à notre époque.

J’ai eu l’immense privilège de chanter pour le Président François Mitterrand  aux élections de 1981… en catalan bien sûr !
Enthousiaste pour le projet que vous portez, c’est avec un profond respect que je vous salue.

Teresa Rebull

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Denouncing the silent war Spain is waging against Catalonia

In Defense of Catalan at Schools

In 1962, Barcelona, during the so called Guerra dels Segadors (Harvester’s War), after a year of siege, fell to the hands of the Spanish Army led by John Joseph of Austria. This is important because for the first time, and uninterruptedly until today, this led to the Spanish Army settling in Catalan territory. The Castle of Montjuïc, the best example of this Spanish military occupation, would be used for repeated bombings of Barcelona up until the the 20th century. This Spanish urge to subjugate Catalonia was at its highest during 18th century, when the Bourbon army, led by the Duke of Berwick, invaded Valencia. After that, they invaded Catalonia in 1713. Their invasion was quickly followed by a cultural and linguistic genocidal campaign aimed at destroying anything Catalan. Besides this, they set in place  a deliberate and systematic plundering scheme that, in essence, has made in intact to the present.

The list of attacks and affronts to the Catalan language is so extensive that a short article such as this is clearly insufficient to talk about them all, but it’s very important to explain that these attacks have been continuous ever since. Some of them were brutal and unashamed, like the ones carried out by Franco’s fascist dictatorship. Some of them more subtle, as José Patiño, the Castilian Council Public Prosecutor said in 1716: “May the effect be noticed, but the causes unnoticed.”

Three centuries later, we face another offensive against the Catalan language. Now, in the field of education. Taking advantage of a feeble and ambiguous Catalan Education Law, that states that Catalan will be the ‘commonly’ used language, Convivència Cívica Catalana, an association representing Spanish families that never integrated themselves in Catalonia, decided that this is the right time to enforce Spanish at schools through legal machinations. The legal route was the only one left to them, since we are talking about a foreign language in Catalonia: Spanish. Comparably, imagine French being enforced in France, or German in Germany by the courts.

The reaction of the Catalan Government to these attacks has been slack, considering even the UNESCO has backed the Catalan model of linguistic immersion. Faced with the elimination of Catalan from schools, the Catalan Education Department just issued a weak message saying that everything was OK, that it was just a few families giving some trouble. This is not true. The Spanish Supreme Court sentence is clear and exact. It orders that Spanish be used by teachers at schools in Catalonia alongside Catalan, and it orders that both languages be used in equal proportion.

In front of our Government’s sheepishness and complacency regarding these attacks, we have to react with determination and fight against the new attempt at exterminating Catalan. We at Escola en Català propose a very simple solution: to define Catalan as the only language to be used at schools. This proposed change of the law was brought forth to Catalan Parliament by the political party Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència. Our goal is to have it approved at the Parliament, so we are gathering signatures. We believe it is essential to gather massive support  to protect our most valuable treasure: our language.

Mercè Escarrà i Caudet
Highschool teacher and spokeswoman for Escola en Català

Europe Spanish region of Catalonia says it may proclaim independence

Spanish region of Catalonia says it may proclaim independence
BARCELONA -- Catalonia may proclaim independence from Spain after the next regional election, a local official said Friday, in an apparent open challenge to the national government.
The north-western region has taken "a road of no return" toward independence, Catalonia spokesman Francesc Homs said.
The possible mechanisms to achieve it included a referendum or a unilateral proclamation of independence by the regional parliament after the election, he said.

"The process that is being opened is not for the impatient," he said.

Madrid has refused even to grant greater financial powers to Catalonia, which already enjoys a large degree of autonomy.

Homs made the comments after Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, in a meeting with Catalan premier Artur Mas on Thursday, refused a request for the region to handle its own taxes.

The meeting was followed by widespread speculation that Mas could call early elections in the autumn, two years ahead of schedule.

Alicia Sanchez-Camacho, the Catalan representative of Rajoy's conservative People's Party, warned Mas that calling elections which acted as a vote on independence would be illegal.

Spain's deep economic crisis has fuelled separatism in the formerly affluent region, where many of its 7.5 million residents believe they would be better off without transferring part of its tax revenue to the country's poorer regions.

Hundreds of thousands of people recently attended a pro-independence rally backed by the regional government.


Photography: Girona, 22-09-2012

Photography: Barcelona, 18-02-2006

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Live now: Santiago Spot (president of Catalonia Action) Tele5 of the Great Debate: "The independence of Catalonia"

Today Saturday from 22h, Santiago Espot (president of Catalonia Action) Tele5 (Spain) of the Great Debate: "The independence of Catalonia"

September 09, 2012

Demonstration 9/11. March for independence. March over Barcelona

This demonstration means, and it will mean, several things for the Catalan Nation and for all Catalans. These are numbered below:
  1. It will open the process to constitute a new Independent Catalan State.
  2. It will open the process of national regeneration. Freedom, territories and language. Restitution of  the two most battered pillars of the country: Territorial union and linguistic integrity.
  3. It will open the inner and communal reinforcement against ingenious criteria from supposedly progressist always against Catalonia.
  4. It will open the process for the delegitmization of all those actors for independence who do not deny the profits from the Old Order. All charges and  titles from the autonomic Hispano-Catalan era are not valid in the New Order.
  5. It is necessary then, to start a process around a Constituent table in which elements from ANC -Catalan National Assembly, AMI -Association of Municipalities for Independence, political, patriotic, sports, social and cultural organizations, Trade Unions, political parties that have denied from the old order and want to put their wheels in motion for Independence. In a clear manner, precise and with no deceptions that scare them away.
  6.  It will bring a new hope to Catalonia. From now, a start of a movement to reinstate our freedom, increase our self-esteem and the spiritual and material wealth of our Nation and our people.
Catalans! If we want... we can.

Once we have crossed this door, nothing will be the same for Catalonia and Catalans. There should have been established the rupture that will mark the before and after. A before full of arguments, lies and sterile fights. An after of lucidity and courageous determination. We only have an objective: get free, regenerate and become a free Nation among the rest of free Nations.

Salvador Molins, Counsellor Catalunya Acció


September 07, 2012

Let's take Barcelona on the 11th!

For independence.

Independence of Catalonia

President Mas shows as a coward servile maid at Spain's service. Timorous and unable to defend the interests of Catalans. This is what he learnt from Jordi Pujol; to bend over in front of Spain and save his arse, but not Catalans.

Now, Spain does not need Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya and Rome does not pay traitors. The decadence that we are living now. at political as well as economical level. is the result of thirty years of indignant regionalistic government, that had the objective of boxing Catalonia into Spain, modernizing Spain and teaching Spain.

Well, the most stupid and irresponsible thing ever to be thought by a Catalan.

And now, we see the results. when abjection rules.

Josep Castany
President Catalunya Acció

August 27, 2012

Alfons Lopez Tena. The democratic principle versus self-determination

From the juridical point of view, a  new State needs to be recognized by the other existing States. [...] However, in front of the contemporary process of generation described, the normal dynamics by the existing States is simple, recognizing the emerging ones. And the process to achieve it is juridically expressed within the sentence by the International Court at The Hague about Kosovo.

This country [...] proclaimed independence from Serbia through a totally unilateral declaration that was not a referendum nor through via the Parliament this is, the same way that the United States of America declared independence from the United Kingdom two-hundred years before. Its democratically elected representatives met and declared independence, not in a formal Parliamentary meeting. In Kosovo, it was done by a very large majority of members of its Parliament as well as its Prime Minister, without a vote, signing a document. As if now, a majority of the Members of the Catalan Parliament joined a meeting and signed a document proclaiming independence, being it all. So that, even and the lack of parliamentary formality that might have threat the legality of the act, the Hague's Tribunal fully endorsed it.

Some interesting points from that sentence and the concurring favourable opinions are that full legal legitimacy is given to the act because is performed by the democratically elected representatives of the people, without entering in the disquisition whether there is the right of self-determination or not, who is the subject of this right nor where or who is applicable to. Contrarily, the opinions of who deny the recognition of Kosovo -Spain, Russia and China, were founded precisely in the negation of the existence of the right of self-determination by Kosovo, under the base that this right is only applicable when in colonial situations and that the relationship Kosovo-Yugoslavia was not of colonial character.

It must be said that the Court not even entered in considering if Kosovo had the right or not, but simply if there was any international principle of law contrary to the proclamation of independence just made by the democratically elected representatives of the people of Kosovo.

Secondly, the Court proclaimed that in case of a proclamation of independence, juridically legitimate, by one territory, it is immediately recognized by the existing States, and that was the guarantee for an independence based on the democratic principle. In spite of the Yugoslavian Constitution proclaiming that Kosovo was an integral part of the Serbian Nation and that its independence required a reform of the Constitution. As Kosovars were a minority in respect with the total Yugoslavian population, the reform of the Constitution -albeit was formally possible, in fact appeared blocked.

The sentence at The Hague's Court continues with the line pointed the Canadian Superior Court, as enquired by the Canadian Government. They wanted to know if a clear majority in favour of independence in answer to an explicit question in Quebec about independence would be binding for the Canadian Federal Government. The Court answered fistly, not to enter within the right of self-determination -that is very badly defined in terms of international law, and secondly, reaffirm the democratic principle; when there is a clear majority that pronounces democratically, the Canadian Government must entertain this pronouncement and negotiate the conditions of secession in good faith.

This is the judicial framework that has guaranteed the latest independences, such as Southern Sudan, possible through a referendum and the Dutch Antilles, through Parliament.

In summary, from the legal point of view it is clear. Democratic principle guarantees the independence of the new State, whether it is decided by its population through a referendum or indirectly through their democratically elected representatives, be it via a formal parliamentary session or via a non-parliamentary meeting by its elected members. And about this topic there is already jurisprudence and cases that not only guarantee the legality of the declaration, but also the international recognition by the other States.
The steps, in any case, must be as follows:
  1. Win an election.
  2. Form a Government with the intention to either call a referendum or proclaim independence.
  3. Call for international recognition of the new State.
And all this can be done in accordance with the State in which they form part of, because the former has given up with the idea to keep a part of its territory, or against it, precisely because there are the mechanisms agreeing with making it possible. (Per què volem un Estat propi? Seixanta intel·lectuals parlen de la independència de Catalunya, pg. 117 i ss.)
Let's go straight. There is no reason why not. Only fear -cultivated during 300 years, makes us try uncertain and bendy pathways with excuses of prudence and false securities. Declare first independence and then validate it with a referendum made under our wills and without the direct pressure from Spain.
Alfons Lopez Tena
Catalan MP for Solidaritat per la Independència de Catalunya (SI)
August 02, 2012

Catalonia wants independence, not Spanish austerity

Spain's dual crises of social and economic unrest,
paired with an unprecedented loosening of the bonds that tie it together
as a nation, make it perhaps the most apt microcosm of today's European
Union - warns think-tank

Thousands of miners entered Madrid
last week, singing loudly, setting off fireworks and waving signs and
banners. Some walked as far as 250 miles from the mining regions along
Spain's northern coast. The marcha negra - black march - ended with a
violent clash with police in front of Spain's Industry Ministry
building. Over the ensuing days - labourers and civil servants rallied
throughout the city, blocking streets and railways. Some women wore
black veils as though for a funeral. The target of these protests was
the austerity package passed last Wednesday, by the embattled government
of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy - whose future, the miners
reminded him, was "darker than our coal".

The €65bn package
consists of European Union-recommended tax increases, public sector
spending cuts, city and regional government overhauls and the
liberalisation of the transportation sector. The hope is that these
measures will help the country, having recently requested up to €100bn
in European aid for its banks and avoid an international state bail-out
along the lines of Greece, Ireland and Portugal. With government
revenues and housing prices falling and debt on the rise though, it may
well prove to be a doomed effort.

And yet as workers from
throughout the country converge on Madrid for protests - a second,
altogether different, movement is gathering strength in one of Spain's
wealthiest autonomous regions - Catalonia. There, thousands have
gathered throughout the summer in towns and villages to call for much
more than an end to austerity. Their goal is complete independence for
their region of over 7.5 million from the Spanish state. Catalonia, like
the Basque Country, has a long and complicated history with
Castillian-dominated Spain. But the crippling economic crisis,
resentment over transfers of roughly 8 to 9 per cent of Catalonia's
gross domestic product to poorer parts of Spain - and incidents such as
recent Spanish Supreme Court opposition to Catalan language-immersion
programmes in the region's pre-schools has combined to form a
three-layered gift for the independentistes.

According to recent
polls conducted by the Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió, 51 per cent of all
Catalans would vote for independence from Spain in a hypothetical
referendum. This represents a six-point percentage increase in the past
four months alone. When asked the broader question of what Catalonia
should be vis-à-vis Spain, 34 per cent said "independent" - a 20-point
percentage increase since the pre-crisis days of 2006. Following the
release of the polling data, Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Sáenz
de Santamaría called on all Spaniards to understand that with the
country's other concerns "now must be a time for stability". Catalan MP
Josep Antoni Duran sought to downplay the results, arguing that a
majority of Catalans would still prefer increased autonomy over outright

Yet between now and September, more than 200
pro-independence rallies and marches are scheduled to take place across
Catalonia; building up to a massive demonstration on September 11, the
region's national holiday. The plan from there, according to the Catalan
National Assembly - or ANC - will be to organise a referendum on
Catalonia's status for the following year and proclaim full independence
in 2014. "For us, independence is a question of dignity," says Carme
Forcadell, head of the ANC. "We don't want to live on our knees within
Spain when we could stand on our own feet in Europe."

Spain, with
unemployment rates of close to 25 per cent, youth unemployment over 50
per cent, increasing emigration and expectations of long-term recession
and austerity - should be watched very carefully by policy-makers in
Brussels and Washington. Its dual crises of social and economic unrest,
paired with an unprecedented loosening of the bonds that tie it together
as a nation, make it perhaps the most apt microcosm of today's EU. As
the country drifts towards a possible state bail-out - the tightening
screws of la crisis are threatening to drive fissures through every
aspect of its social, political, and economic life; and push it into the
uncharted waters of possible, although still unlikely, disintegration.

the recent Euro 2012 football tournament, the uglier side of
pan-European tensions was often on display. "Without Angie, you wouldn't
be here," chanted German fans during the game with Greece, referring to
German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "We'll never pay you back," replied
the Greeks. At a wedding I recently attended in Catalonia, I found only
one fellow guest tracking the status of the ongoing match between Spain
and France and he was quietly rooting for France. "We Catalans are tired
of seeing our tax money go to Spain," he said, cringing as news of
another Spanish goal popped up on his phone. "I guess you could say we
understand how Germany feels."

Nicholas Siegel is a senior
programme officer at the German Marshall Fund of the United States
think-tank, which originally published this paper as part of its Transatlantic Take series

July 31, 2012

Homage to Catalan Patriots.

Only great men, with strong character, men with vision and profound convictions can transform moments of crisis like we are living now in unique opportunities that culminate in victory.

This is the immediate challenge that we are presented with who love our Catalan nation. Strong leadership must emerge, with men and women with strong character who lead the way to face Spain and France, transforming this suffering defeat into the last push for independence.

This leadership must not come from the actual political parties representing the Spanish legality that wants us assimilated and converted in provinces. Therefore, it must not emerge from the actual regionalist parties, or from those who are supporters of independence by mouth but not acting towards it, those whose ambivalence allow the assimilation process, and the impoverishment of our nation.

This leadership must come from the full support for independence, men and women who have their heads, hearts and actions committed to one only objective, the independence and reunification of the Catalan nation.

To make this leadership afloat, as it is impossible to capitalize the success of independence, we must reaffirm in the character of all those who are immersed, expelling the spectrum of the regressive uniformization, heritage of the state leftism, that softens determination, stops and suffocates the most lucid and courageous voices, and still nowadays resists to pointing at any clear strategy that is killing us, or who carry them out and permit them.

Only the emergence of this courageous and strong leadership, who is able to calling things by their name and ultimately willing to reach the end despite any obstacles in the way, will be able to vertebrate unity, known by all as necessary to the constitution of a dignified independence. Real unity is founded in the recognition of the authority of the most integral and the most able.

A nation cannot go further from where its leaders go. We have bitter memories about this. When leaders are weak, the nation becomes weak too. When leaders are traitors, the nation becomes humiliated. When the leaders are pure mediocre administrators, lacking any love for their country, chaos surfaces being the broth for growing far right forces. But when they are real leaders at the nation's service, this blooms all its possibilities and lives glorious times. We need leaders faithful in the country. To break up corsets, the asphyxiating limitations imposed by leaders unworthy of the Catalan nation, and to take it by their strong hand towards independence.

It is now time for those who want a free Catalonia to act with wisdom, responsibility, generously and loving our Nation, making possible the emergence of the most courageous, most lucid and more committed.

This is a homage to all those who died defending the liberties of Catalonia, and who all honour today, expect from us, from who are living critical and fascinating moments of our history.

Visca Catalunya Lliure!

Maria Torrents, cousellor Catalunya Acció
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June 07, 2012

Capitalise the convulsion

Historically, great changes
always happened in moments of great political convulsion. The moments when all the structures that seemed unchangeable become vulnerable.  Another feature of this type of situations is the great speed in which it occurs, like a glimpse. This is the moment of those who are pursuing to turn the events over, as long as they have the shrewdness and the cleverness to see and face them. And now, Catalonia is starting to have, in front of the eyes, another of the opportunities to reverse its History and become an independent nation.

No doubt that the economic downturn embraces Catalan politics, and every day more people see that Catalonia, without the looting perpetrated by Spain, would not be in the actual situation. The protest of this ignominy officially called "fiscal deficit" has begun to materialize in the campaign against tolls (I don't want to pay). Moreover, this is a direct attack against the financial power of Catalonia -la Caixa is the biggest shareholder of Abertis, that passively collaborates with Spain perpetuating the robbery against Catalonia. When the people defy their oligarchy, everything is possible.

And political power is worse than the financial power. Let's see how damaged the maximum Spanish authority has resulted from his African adventure. All the slimy propaganda from the political class and journalists, consisting in spreading Juan Carlos I's virtues of statesman have demonstrated to be a vulgar lie. It is more clear than ever that the Monarch is a scoundrel, exactly like everyone in his dynasty. Spanish monarchy is discredited due to a series of turbulent affairs.

Meanwhile, Spanish People's Party government accentuates its colonial politics against Catalonia and Catalan president Mas has every day less margin to manoeuvre. Rajoy and his team have abandoned any disguise against Catalonia because the Spanish public opinion is  eager to finish with the minidevolution in Catalonia. In front of this offensive, CiU continues with its 5th division tactics, based on throwing periodically a message, allegedly for independence, but that nobody believes, neither in Madrid nor in Barcelona. It is clear that we are close to a power void, because it is very difficult to see anybody who could guarantee that Catalonia would not turn against Spain.

Everything is making everybody feel a collective climate of tiredness of a situation that everybody knows impossible to sustain. Now it is the time of new plans, courageous attitudes and, especially, to stage and assume the conflict we have with Spain. Bury our heads in the sand, saying that this is a simple game in Parliament is not believable any longer. We must say now that this is a conflict between two nations. One that wants the suffocation of the other, by any means at reach. In the past it was through cannons and shootings at dawn, now it is through judge's verdicts.

Santiago Espot
Executive President Catalunya Acció
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Saturday, September 08, 2012

Més de 1000 autocars i 4 trens !!!

Rècord d'autocars per a la manifestació: més d'un miler

La demanda desborda la disponibilitat de places d'autocar · És la xifra més alta que s'ha assolit en cap manifestació al país
Si dimecres l'Assemblea Nacional Catalana informava que hi havia 700 autocars llogats per desplaçar gent a la manifestació de la Diada, avui la xifra ha pujat a més d'un miler. Es tracta de la xifra més alta de mobilització d’autocars que s’ha assolit mai en un esdeveniment d’aquestes característiques al país. Tot això sense comptar els autocars que gestionaran diferents partits polítics i entitats. A diverses zones del territori les places s’han ocupat tan ràpidament que moltes persones s’han quedat sense lloc en els autocars.
L'ajuntament de Barcelona preveu una assistència massiva de manifestants, i ha dissenyat un dispositiu per garantir la mobilitat i que la ciutat pugui rebre tots aquests autocars. El consistori vol que evitin el Passeig de Gràcia, on començarà la manifestació, a la cruïlla amb la Gran Via; a més, habilitarà els carrils bus i els carrils laterals dels principals carrers perquè hi puguin aparcar els autocars.
L'ajuntament havia habilitat uns vuit-cents llocs d'aparcament per a autocars. Per a poder aparcar els autocars, la ciutat es dividirà en dues parts, de tal manera que els autocars que arribin des de Girona o de les comarques al nord de la ciutat tinguin habilitats els carrers de l'Eixample dret, com el passeig de Sant Joan i els carrers València, Mallorca i Aragó.

Per als que arribin des del sud, hi hauran habilitades places en la zona de l'Eixample esquerre, i podran aparcar en carrers com Balmes, Aribau, Muntaner i també Aragó.

Si no hi hagués prou lloc en aquests carrers els autocars del nord es desviarien cap al Fòrum i la ronda litoral; els del sud, a Montjuïc i la zona del Camp Nou. Des d'aquests llocs, els assistents haurien d'anar a la manifestació en metro.

L'intendent de la guàrda urbana, Carles Reyner, preveu que la mobilitat sigui molt complicada, i desaconsella del tot l'ús del cotxe.

Financial Times: Separatism threatens the future of Spain

El Financial Times: 'La manifestació de la Diada serà 'massiva i massivament separatista'

El Financial Times: 'La manifestació de la Diada serà 'massiva i massivament separatista'

 Financial Times:
Separatism threatens the future of Spain



Thursday, September 06, 2012

Catalonia the Next State in Europe !!!





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