Communicated of the ALE's four euro-deputies
'Europe needs to be ready for the prospect of Catalan independence. The European Commission cannot pretend that this isn't happening nor can they ignore the democratic will of the Catalan people.
The European Union is a great beacon of peace and democracy throughout the world. The principles that we espouse abroad must also apply within our borders.
Europe must be ready for constructive dialogue based on the democratically expressed will of the Catalan people.'
The support to the Catalan statement no only finds between ALE's rows. The euro-deputy *Derk Jan *Epping, member of the Alliance of Conservative and European Reformers, has said to *Twitter than 'Europe has to respect this act of democracy'.
Derk Jan Eppink @djeppink
The European Free Alliance: 'Europe has to be prepared for the possibility of the independence of Catalonia'
euro-deputies Evans, *Alfonsi, Miranda and *Broepels argue that the EU
'has to be prepared for a constructive dialogue, based in the
democratically expressed will of the Catalan village'
euro-deputies of the European Free Alliance (ALE) Jill Evans, François
*Alfonsi, Ana Miranda and *Frieda *Brepoels have done this week a
communiqué in reason of the approval to the Parliament of Catalonia of
the statement of sovereignty, as it explains the portal *Nationalia.
They say that 'Europe has to be prepared for the possibility of the
independence of Catalonia', and than 'the European Commission can not do
see that this is not happening, neither can ignore the democratic will
of the Catalan village'.
'The EU has to be prepared for a
constructive dialogue, based in the democratically expressed will of
the Catalan village', affirm the four euro-deputies.
is the political party European that groups several European parties
that defend the autonomy or the independence of his nations without
state or regions. Evans, *Alfonsi, Miranda and *Broepels form part,
respectively, of *Plaid *Cymru, Split of the Nation *Corsa, Galician
Nationalist Block and New Flemish Alliance.
The support
to the Catalan statement no only finds between ALE's rows. The
euro-deputy *Derk Jan *Epping, member of the Alliance of Conservative
and European Reformers, has said to *Twitter than 'Europe has to respect
this act of democracy'.
Derk Jan Eppink @djeppink
L'Aliança Lliure Europea: 'Europa ha d'estar preparada per a la possibilitat de la independència de Catalunya'
eurodiputats Evans, Alfonsi, Miranda i Broepels argumenten que la UE
'ha d'estar preparada per a un diàleg constructiu, basat en la voluntat
democràticament expressada del poble català'
'La UE ha d'estar preparada per a un diàleg constructiu, basat en la voluntat democràticament expressada del poble català', afirmen els quatre eurodiputats.
L'ALE és el partit polític europeu que agrupa diversos partits europeus que defensen l'autonomia o la independència de les seves nacions sense estat o regions. Evans, Alfonsi, Miranda i Broepels formen part, respectivament, de Plaid Cymru, Partit de la Nació Corsa, Bloc Nacionalista Gallec i Nova Aliança Flamenca.
El suport a la declaració catalana no només es troba entre les files de l'ALE. L'eurodiputat Derk Jan Epping, membre de l'Aliança de Conservadors i Reformistes Europeus, ha dit a Twitter que 'Europa ha de respectar aquest acte de democràcia'.
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